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On OLAF investigation results into a scandal involving Cyprus

Statement by AKEL Press Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th April 2020, Nicosia

Cyprus unfortunately once again appears to be implicated in another international scandal. This time the one making the accusations is not a website, but the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) itself.

More specifically, after a carrying out a thorough investigation, OLAF has concluded that funds from a project aiming at improving the detection of forest fires, ended up in a casino/hotel project in Cyprus! The matter is extremely serious and Cyprus is once again being exposed internationally as a money laundering country.

There are many questions that need to be answered immediately:

  1. Which casino/hotel project in Cyprus is OLAF referring to?
  2. Who are those implicated in the scandal?
  3. Were the government and the relevant services (such as, for example, the Unit for Combating Money Laundering MOKAS) informed about the scandal?
  4. After the relevant statement by the OLAF, did anyone from the government and the competent services show any interest to request more information and to proceed to conduct the appropriate investigation?

Cypriot society demands answers and the government must give them.




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