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The government has chosen camp

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the Menendez – Rubio Bill’s consequences

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2 July 2019, Nicosia

The statement by the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation on the Menendez-Rubio bill confirms that the Anastasiades government’s choices in foreign policy are ultimately inflicting serious blows on Cyprus’ relations with important countries and as a result damaging our country’s vital interests.

The Russian Federation, in its statement, considers that the Menendez-Rubio bill demands a rupture in the cooperation between Cyprus and Russia. This is precisely what the US bill provides for. On its part, Russia also clarifies that if the Bill is adopted, there will be consequences with regards the line of Russian foreign policy.

What is therefore important is not what the government and its mouthpieces are saying in the mass media here in Cyprus. The damage has been done and is continuing. The President of the Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs knew the Bill’s content and could have anticipated the consequences of a bill they were celebrating and triumphant about. President Anastasiades’ belated admission about an “unfortunate” amendment to the specific bill does not save him.

Developments are proving that the Anastasiades government either cannot, or does not want to pursue a multidimensional foreign policy because it is hooked on the doctrine of transforming Cyprus into an “outpost of the West”. The government has chosen camp – on the side of Trump and Netanyahu – damaging relations between Cyprus and Russia.

AKEL staunchly opposes Cyprus’ attachment to the aggressive machine of any power. It opposes the dissolution of Cyprus’ relations with Russia, a country with which our homeland and people have always had friendly relations. A country, member of the UN Security Council, adhering to positions of principle on the Cyprus problem, which were confirmed at yesterday’s meeting of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou with the Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Sergei Lavrov.


The government needs to understand that Cyprus’ future is above any petty-party and sectional considerations


The content of the President’s letter to the Secretary General confirms AKEL’s fears