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The government daily ignores the need for immediate environmental measures

Statement by the Head of the Environment Affairs Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL Christina Nicolaou on climate change

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th September 2019, Nicosia

The future of the Earth and all living organisms depends on whether we are doing enough to tackle the climate crisis and limit its impact, by radically altering the production and our consumption of energy, agriculture and forestry, our priorities and outlook. .

Millions of people throughout Europe and all around the world are rising up today and demanding that governments take immediate action to protect what is left, in the wake of the UN climate conference which is currently underway in New York. It appears that this conference will once again end in failure.

The young generation and working people who are striking all over the world demanding climate change action have conveyed the message: “We will change humanity’s fate, whether you like it or not.” We agree and will be marching together in their endeavor. AKEL will be on the side of the entire environmental movement of Cyprus and the youth in this struggle too as it always has been.

The Anastasiades-DISY government daily ignores the need for taking immediate environmental measures and measures that will truly help towards reducing the impact of climate change in Cyprus – but not only that. A comprehensive plan must at long last be submitted and specific measures must be taken so that the state at least can contribute towards achieving the objectives set by the Paris Agreement and the individual objectives set by the EU. For example, the goal of increasing energy efficiency by 32.5% and renewable energy production by 32% by 2030.

These goals are the very least we must do, as unfortunately even they are proving to be less than the capabilities of states, but mainly of the existing needs. The percentage of the use of renewable energy in Cyprus in 2013 stood at 8.99%, while today it is just 10%. The target of 13% by 2020 seems unfeasible. Unfortunately, the goal of reducing emissions will also remain unattainable.

We must point out that despite the fact that AKEL together with the Group of the European United Left, thanks to their hard work, managed ensure the European Parliament adopted an official position for far more ambitious goals, the European Council itself did not adopt them. By doing so, this showed the real concerns of the EU with regards saving the climate. However, with the opportunities available in Cyprus, the development of renewable energy sources can and must be recognized as one of our energy policy’s fundamental pillars.

Even more ambitious goals for the development of a productive energy model for the benefit of society must be promoted to combat climate change. Instead of advancing a realistic comprehensive strategy for renewable energy, the reduction of emissions and energy efficiency, the Anastasiades-DISY government has regrettably failed to pursue concrete measures. Suffice to say that, according to the EU objectives for 2030, Cyprus needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 24% by 2030 in comparison to 2005.

AKEL is adamant that to develop renewable energy and reduce gas emissions, public investment must first and foremost be enhanced for the promotion of the necessary infrastructure and to provide support to small producers and households, and promote measures for the energy efficiency of buildings. These proposals are among our principal goals both in Cyprus as well as on a European level, and will constitute a fundamental pillar in the struggle against climate change.

To combat climate change, ambitious goals must be pursued for the development of a productive energy model to society’s benefit. It is not enough for the President to make declarations about taking initiatives in our region. He must promote an overall strategy for renewable energy and energy efficiency so that Cyprus will cease to be bottom of the table with regards fulfilling the goals set by the EU.

The elaboration of a comprehensive plan to save the planet is imperative. The response of rich countries and the allocation of resources in this direction is a prerequisite. The implementation of whatever measures to combat climate change must be rigorous and aim to safeguard the vulnerable groups of the world’s population in particular (poor communities, communities with special needs) that are suffering to a greater degree the impacts and disasters related to climate.

To achieve all this a great deal of pressure and mobilizations from society itself and citizens, environmental movements and organizations in our country and globally is required.

AKEL will continue to put forward its proposals and contribute to the efforts made by all social groups in the effort to find a way to change the current model that is leading us with mathematical certainty to catastrophe. Our environment affects us all which is why we have and are participating actively in all the ongoing mobilizations.


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