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The General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL met with the Ambassador of Cuba to Cyprus



9 March 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou, met yesterday with the Ambassador of Cuba to Cyprus, Angel Gustavo Suarez. The General Secretary of AKEL was accompanied by Vera Polycarpou, Head of the International Relations and European Policy Sector of the C.C. of AKEL.

During the meeting, there was an exchange of views on international issues of common interest and a mutual exchange of information on the situation in the two countries.

Regarding the Cyprus problem in the day after the presidential elections, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL stressed AKEL’s position that substantive talks must resume from the point from where they had remained in 2017 [at Crans Montana], with the aim of arriving at a solution of a Bizonal. Bicommunal Federation with political equality. In this regard, the General Secretary of AKEL expressed thanks for Cuba’s longstanding consistent position and support for the just cause of Cyprus in all international forums and organisations.

Stefanos Stefanou reaffirmed AKEL’s steadfast solidarity and support for Cuba in the struggle it is waging to defend its independence and choice of development path. He condemned the recent US decision to include Cuba on the list of “regimes that foster terrorism” as an action that does not facilitate respect and peaceful cooperation between states on the basis of international law.

Finally, the desire to further develop bilateral relations between the Republic of Cyprus and Cuba was expressed.



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