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The General Secretary of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou requests again a meeting with the President of the Republic


The health system’s sustainability is of prime importance

23 May 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou, sent a letter to the President of the Republic, in which he requests a new meeting with President Christodoulides, in order to discuss the serious problems in the health sector, as well as AKEL’s proposals on the matter.

After pointing out that there was no response to his previous letter sent last November, Stefanos Stefanou stresses that for AKEL the health system’s sustainability is a top priority.

The letter follows in full:

“In my letter sent to you on 21 November 2023, I expressed AKEL’s serious concern about developments in the public health sector, especially regrding the aggressive intervention of hedge funds that are proceeding with the takeover of hospitals, laboratories and imaging centres, but also the accumulation of problems that directly threaten the prospect of public hospital’s survival. In the same letter, I included AKEL’s specific proposals on public health, requesting a meeting on this issue, which is so crucial for society.

To date there has been no response from you. I understand the busy nature of your programme, but I believe that such a crucial issue should be one of the Government’s priorities.

As the problems remain and are growing, and because for AKEL the sustainability of the health system is prioritized as a matter of primary importance, I reiterate our request for a new meeting.

I look forward to your positive response.”



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