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The EU should and must take an immediate and clear position on the ongoing Israeli aggression

Statement of Neoclis Sylikiotis, member of the AKEL Political Bureau and AKEL MEP

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th July 2014, Nicosia


Israel is attacking Gaza and killing innocent civilians and children. The Palestinian people who have been suffering for years from the occupation and continued colonization have now also to face the aggression of the Israeli fighter jets. Israel’s intransigence to implement what has been agreed and its refusal to talk with the Palestinians is unacceptable and undermines every effort to bring peace.

6772_228441310620_899675620_8142560_4612512_nThe EU cannot remain apathetic by keeping silent. I raised this serious issue today to the High Representative Catherine Ashton, as well as to the President of the EU Council calling for a response from the EU and for the assumption of immediate action. More specifically, I called on them to give us an answer as to why the EU hasn’t yet officially condemned the aggressive policy of Israel that has resulted in bloodshed. They must give us clear answers. Does the EU intend to demand Israel’s full compliance with a road map for peace? In addition, I also raised the issue of the Association Agreement Israel has with the EU. How is it possible that the trade and economic relations between the EU and Israel have still not been frozen through the suspension of the Association Agreement, given that Israel is violating Article 2, which unequivocally states its obligation to respect human rights?

As AKEL, we express our solidarity with the Palestinian people who is suffering from the occupation and on-going colonization. We welcome the efforts to forge unity among the political forces of Palestine and call on Israel to end the war. We pledge that we will continue to struggle for the EU to change its apathetic stance it is adopting today.



AKEL condemns Israeli aggressive policy and supports peaceful forces


Intervention of Neoclis Sylikiotis, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL and AKEL MEP, in the European Parliament plenary debate on the "escalation of violence between Israel and Palestine"