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AKEL condemns Israeli aggressive policy and supports peaceful forces

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th July 2014, Nicosia


Nothing can justify the indiscriminate attacks waged by Israel in Gaza, the killing of children and innocent civilians. AKEL condemns this aggressive policy. In addition, it condemns the abduction and murder of three Jewish children. The acts of “retaliation” by fanatical religious elements that are following orders, were also denounced even by the parents of the young Israelis who were murdered

2014-10-09We express our solidarity with the Palestinian people suffering from the occupation and the on-going colonization. We welcome the efforts to forge the unity of the political forces. The intransigence of Israel to implement what was agreed and its refusal to talk with the Palestinians is unacceptable and undermines every effort for peace.

We salute and congratulate the Communist Party of Israel and the peace Movement which, despite the threats issued, but also the arrests and imprisonments, are organizing rallies in favour of peace and the coexistence of Arabs with Jews. Ethnic origin cannot be used to promote division.

The European Union must change its policy of hypocritical double standards when in full-view of the international community bloodshed is being committed. It must demand the full compliance by Israel to a road map for peace; the termination of the strikes/raids and the policy of colonization, and its divisive policy towards the Palestinian people. On the other hand, the launching of rockets against the Israelis must stop, which benefit the cultivation of an atmosphere of hate and fanaticism instead of the common struggle for liberation from the occupation and for peace.


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The EU should and must take an immediate and clear position on the ongoing Israeli aggression