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The DISY leadership is seeking polarisation because it is in a panic

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

28 May 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

DISY party should have realised that the familiar rhetoric it has been repeating over the past few days is no longer effective. DISY will not stop its voters defections to the far-right ELAM party with anti-communism, but through its self-criticism for the cooperation it forged with the extreme right, as well as for the humiliation the country has suffered during the Anastasiades decade.

As for Europe, obviously we will never agree with DISY.

  • DISY defends a European Union that counts 95 million people in poverty while the 5 richest people in the Union are increasing their wealth by 6 million euros per hour.
  • DISY also defends the EU’s attachment to NATO and the channelling of tens of billions of euros into the war industry and the arming of Zelensky, things with which the vast majority of Cypriots disagree with.
  • Just as our country and people do not accept what the ruling forces in the EU – led by the European People’s Party EPP – are promoting – the abolition of the veto in decision-making, which will silence once and for all small member states like Cyprus.
  • And finally, it remains unanswered why DISY is silent in the face of the European cooperation developing between the Right and Far Right, as Ursula von der Leyen announced. That’s to say, next month DISY will again cooperate with ELAM, this time at a European level.

However, its obvious that the DISY leadership of A.Demetriou and Diplaros, always under Anastasiades’ tutelage, is promoting polarisation because it is in a panic. However, we can’t assist them.


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