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The day after the presidential elections – Article by Stefanos Stefanou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL


19 February 2023


When AKEL decided last June to support the independent candidacy of Andreas Mavroyiannis, much was said and written about this choice. With this choice, AKEL sought to respond to the principal stake of the presidential elections, which was the realisation of progressive change in Cyprus that our country so badly needs.

Despite the fact that we did not manage to win the elections, AKEL’s choice has nevertheless been vindicated. It was vindicated by the unprecedented rallying of the voters of the Left. By the return of thousands of its voters to the polls to support the Left’s choice. It was vindicated by the support given to the Mavroyiannis candidacy by thousands of our fellow citizens from different ideological and party backgrounds.

All of them were united by the need for the country to move forward. To leave behind policies, attitudes and mentalities that trap our country in stagnation and do not allow it to take substantial steps towards the development of another political culture and modernisation. This was what was principally at stake in these elections. This was the objective we were highlighting when we talked about the need to achieve progressive change.

The elections are over and now we are on the day after. What is certain, however, is that the stakes of the elections are not over. The challenges and stakes for the country remain before us, which the election result evidently did not resolve. The need for progressive change in the country continues to exist.

The need for progressive thinking to prevail over conservatism and regression continues to exist. It is imperative that rationalism prevails over populism and phobic syndromes. There is a need for political ethics to prevail over unethical actions and behaviour. Genuine patriotism must marginalise nationalism and patriotism, and solidarity must decisively confront racism and the exploitation of patriotic sentiment to serve expediencies. Social sensitivity, transparency and accountability need to replace impunity, greed, non-transparency and authoritarianism. Honesty and openness continues to be a priority in order to corner corruption and callousness.

The political force that can continue to stand at the forefront of this struggle is AKEL and the Left in general. The challenge for AKEL is to be able to embrace, move and inspire the tens of thousands of our fellow citizens who supported this struggle and this perspective in the person of Andreas Mavroyiannis, who do not solely belong to the Left, but also come from broader spectrums.

The result of the elections has placed AKEL in opposition. From this position, AKEL, united, strong and confident, will exercise the role of opposition with assertiveness, responsibility and patriotism. This is what AKEL has done in the past and will continue to do so with our Cyprus, our people and their needs at the centre of our attention.

This is exactly how it has been acting on various issues, big and small, during the ten years of the present government. Even though AKEL has been subjected to destructive criticism, excoriating attacks by those in power, it has not hesitated to offer support as regards the Cyprus problem, or the establishment of a National Health Scheme, or on other issues, precisely because we want the country to move forward.

As an opposition force, AKEL will remain a leading force on the political scene. It will continue to defend the workers, the common people, and society and at the same time open up paths and prospects for progress and prosperity of our country and people.

As such a force, serious and consistent, resolute in its challenges, open to people, ideas and proposals, AKEL steps forward even stronger and more determined. For the Cyprus we want, for the future we deserve. This is what we will attempt to do by discussing and acting in view of the Party’s Statutory Congress next autumn.



Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou on the result of the Presidential Elections


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