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The C.C. of AKEL on Turkey’s new intolerable provocation in the EEZ of Cyprus


Statement of the Central Committee of AKEL

8th October 2014, Nicosia


AKEL CCIn its session today the Central Committee of AKEL discussed the Cyprus problem on the basis of a related document prepared by the Political Bureau.

The Plenary of the C.C. analysed the international and regional developments and in what way they influence the course of our political problem. Particular emphasis was given to the political consequences of Erdogan’s election as President of Turkey. Inter alia, the Plenary discussed the negative way in which the course of our political problem is affected by the developments surrounding the terrorist organisation “Islamic State” and concerning the volatile situation in Ukraine. The basic conclusion is that Turkey’s role in the region is being upgraded, while our relations with the Russian Federation are again being tested as a result of the government’s erroneous options due to the abandonment of a multidimensional foreign policy and its one-sided alignment to the West and predominantly to the US.

The Plenary session of the C.C. of AKEL also discussed the situation in the occupied areas, as well as developments on the domestic front. An evaluation was made of the course of the talks and a reflection developed on what must be done in view of the imminent beginning of the substantive phase of the negotiations. The developments so far vindicate AKEL’s position that the important convergences that had been achieved between Christofias-Talat should have been safeguarded and that the negotiations should continue on the pending core issues. The negotiation from zero/scratch in reality allowed Eroglu to destroy the convergences, to bring back partitionist positions to the table and to lay the responsibility on us for the widening of the gap between the two sides.

The reflection conducted as regards what we should do in view of the substantive phase of the negotiations demonstrated that the negative experience so far makes it imperative as never before that the basis of the negotiations, what was achieved at the talks and the protection of the important convergences that had been recorded between 2008 – 2010, should be safeguarded. This would have greatly assisted the effort to achieve a solution of the Cyprus problem and would at the same time have constituted a protective shield for combating undesirable machinations to impose a solution. Unfortunately, the deadlock with regards to the convergences led to a suspension of the relative discussions and thus in the third phase it was agreed that the pending core issues should be discussed. As AKEL we could not reject, not even this unorthodox procedural deadlock, given that the protracted inability of finding a way of beginning the substantive phase of the negotiation would harbour the real danger of declaring an impasse.

However, AKEL’s support of the negotiation process does not mean that we overlook the weaknesses and dangers of the procedure that was agreed.

AKEL will continue adopting a constructive stand, whilst simultaneously exercising responsible criticism there where the handling will deviate from the correct direction. The substantive negotiation is just now beginning, though not in the best way, and we shall give the necessary grace period so as to assist the negotiation process to the extent we can.

The session of C.C. of AKEL also analysed Turkey’s new intolerable provocation in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. This represents an unprecedented act that challenges sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and constitutes a political and legal irrationality that does not comply with International Law, indeed at a time when the resumption of the negotiation procedure was agreed. This flagrant and obvious violation of the Law of the Sea cannot, and must not, be tolerated by the international community. We consider the decision of the President to cancel the meeting with Eroglu in the presence of the UN Secretary-General’s new special adviser, as well as the meeting of the negotiators, correct. At the same time as AKEL we have clarified that we disagree with a definitive bringing to an end of the negotiations. Everyone, and particularly the US and Britain, must pass from issuing declarations to deeds and contribute decisively to the withdrawal of the illegal Turkish notice to mariners in an Exclusive Economic Zone belonging to another state. As long as Turkey continues to bind part of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus the new effort to solve the Cyprus problem, which is indeed the only existing way for our Turkish Cypriot compatriots to benefit from the exploitation of the hydrocarbons, is seriously damaged.

AKEL considers the unwavering struggle for the solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles as the most important patriotic duty and will continue to act responsibly without petty-party expediencies and considerations in order to fulfil this goal. In these difficult times, with Turkey provoking blatantly and demonstrating mentalities reminiscent of the Ottoman Empire, we address an appeal to all the political forces for unity and consistency in the end goal for a bizonal, bi-communal federal solution that will safeguard the single sovereignty, international personality and single citizenship of the united Republic of Cyprus, as well as the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriote.


"The Cyprus problem in view of the substantive negotiations" by Stavri Kalopsidiotou, Lawyer, Expert in International Law, member of the Cyprus problem Office of AKEL and of the C.C. of AKEL


The intolerable and deplorable action of Turkey constitutes an aggressive act and an attempt to create a faits accomplis