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Tell the truth at last

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou replies to Government Spokesman

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11 February 2019, Nicosia

Today the Government Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said that the proposals Nicos Anastasiades submitted at Crans Montana were never withdrawn from the table. It seems that Mr. Prodromou neither heard, nor followed anything during the election campaign before the Presidential Elections. When Nicos Anastasiades was fishing for votes from the intermediate political spectrum and the extreme-right, he was repeating everywhere that he had withdrawn his proposals. He now says that they were never withdrawn, and that he indeed is waiting for the other side’s positions on them.

The truth will eventually prevail and policies that are based on non-truths sooner or later will collapse. The President of the Republic can’t express his positions on the Cyprus problem depending on what is in his interest and suits him. Developments are critical and partition is knocking on the door.


The resumption of negotiations is extremely difficult


Anastasiades has for some time been saying one thing, meaning and doing another