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Anastasiades has for some time been saying one thing, meaning and doing another

Statement by AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Representative Yiorgos Loucaides

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12 February 2019, Nicosia

Government Spokesman Mr. Prodromou, replying yesterday to AKEL, insisted on his claim that Mr. Anastasiades did not withdraw the proposals he had submitted at Crans Montana. He even accused AKEL of preferring to criticize Mr. Anastasiades instead of focusing on the goal of resuming the negotiations. We present some of Mr. Anastasiades’ statements confirming that once again they are telling lies to the people of Cyprus; lies that anything but go unnoticed on the part of the international community.

Mr. Anastasiades has for some time been saying one thing, meaning and doing another. With so many regressions, transformations and lies, it is not at all accidental that he falls into such blatant contradictions. As it is also no coincidence at all that as a result of his tragic handlings he did not even manage to make use of the historic opportunity to rid ourselves of guarantees, intervention rights and the occupying troops, nor at least to expose Turkey which on top of everything is praised by the UN Secretary General and the European Commission without any reaction whatsoever on the part of the government.

Since Mr. Anastasiades, unfortunately, is continuing to pursue the same dangerous path, AKEL not only has the right, but also the obligation to warn that Mr. Anastasiades’ handlings with mathematical certainty will lead us to face national tsunamis.

Statements by N. Anastasiades that he withdrew his proposals

Press Conference after Crans Montana – 10 July 2017

“The proposals submitted by the Greek Cypriot side on 5 July within the context of the Conference on Cyprus were withdrawn due to the failure to meet the demands we had put forward”…”These proposals were inextricably linked to the preconditions set by the Secretary General. Just as they were submitted, so were they also withdrawn.”

Interview with “Kathimerini” newspaper – 15 July 2017

“I want to be clear. After the failure at the dinner I said they are being withdrawn.”

Interview with “Phileleftheros” newspaper – 5 November 2017

Question: Are what you have presented, submitted as positions at Crans Montana binding for you?

“They do not bind me at all and I have said that at Crans Montana. As soon as it (the conference) ended I said I was withdrawing the document, while this was also clear when I was submitting my proposals.”

Interview on TVONE’s VOTE show – 23 January 2018

“These proposals are withdrawn if the preconditions that both I and the UN Secretary-General have laid down regarding security, the abolition of guarantees, intervention rights and the withdrawal of the Turkish army are not accepted.”

Statement by Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides – 1 February 2018

“The time that Mr. Akinci has chosen to make such a statement, and indeed justifying it that the President of the Republic withdrew his proposals at Crans Montana raises questions, something which is known to everyone and to Mr. Akinci as well, and is recorded in the relevant documents from 7 July 2017, that is to say, the day when the processes at Crans Montana were completed”.


Tell the truth at last


The only thing the President manages to do is to remain even more exposed