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Statements by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou on current issues

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th October 2020, Nicosia

On the ‘elections’ in the occupied territories

The result of the voting procedure has led to Mr. Akinci and Mr. Tatar passing to the second round of elections. Our own wish is that this coming Sunday, a leader of the Turkish Cypriot community will be elected from this voting process in the occupied territories who will work cooperate with us in the promotion of a solution based on the relevant UN Resolutions, the High-Level Agreements, international law and the principles of on which the EU is founded. We are extremely disturbed about Turkey’s unacceptable meddling in this voting process. We believe that the Turkish Cypriots must be left alone to decide who will be their next leader.

On the unacceptable events that occurred in Deryneia

The meeting was illegal because they hadn’t obtained the necessary permission from the competent authorities and their behaviour was unacceptable. Such behaviours not only do not make it difficult for Turkey to achieve the goals it sets, but quite the opposite facilitate and enable it to also have a pretext before the international community. We as a country have suffered from such actions. It is precisely this mentality and fascist perceptions that led us to the events of 1974, with the result that we lost half of Cyprus. I don’t think that now some people are feel they are entitled, in an arbitrary and illegal way, to insist on the same behaviors which, if they continue, will only succeed in us losing the whole of Cyprus.

Therefore, our demand from the police, the Attorney General and the government is that they should ensure that those who participate in such illegal and unacceptable meetings will be punished in an exemplary fashion. We will follow how the whole process will proceed and if we find any delay we shall intervene very strongly.


Letter from the General Secretary of AKEL to the Attorney General on the Court ruling on Golden Dawn


Decision of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of ΑΚΕL