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Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th January 2018, Nicosia

On the statements of the former Eurogroup President Dijsselbloem

Like a pack of cards, all the lies that Mr. Anastasiades has said with regards the haircut on bank deposits have collapsed. It is obvious that no one put a pistol to his head. As he has stated very well, he committed suicide. That is, it was Anastasiades himself who put forth this specific proposal, which was unlawful, and as the European Central Bank and the Eurogroup in general had declared back then, it shouldnt even had been tabled before the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, Mr. Anastasiades concealed this truth and both DISY and the Presidential Palace are trying in retrospect to convince the people that the House of Representatives is to blame. They are solely responsible and one needs to have a lot of audacity to insist that it was the House thats responsible for what happened.

I also want to say the following. It wasn’t the House that decided the second haircut. The House passed a law for the reorganization of the banking sector, whilst the decisions were taken by the Anastasiades government. There was no second proposal tabled before the House.

On the Cyprus problem

As far as the Cyprus problem is concerned, let me say that there is information that pressure will be put on our side for the negotiations to begin. Those circles and forces who should want negotiations to resume, on the correct basis of course, should be the Greek Cypriot side. A President of the Republic of Cyprus is demanded after the presidential elections, who will understand the importance of reaching a solution of the Cyprus problem based on the agreed framework, as well as on the basis of the long-standing decisions of the National Council; a President, who will understand this need, who will know that he will have to move forward and have the capacity to work with Mr. Akinci and together address the United Nations for a resumption of the negotiations from the point where they had left off in Crans Montana. This candidate is Stavros Malas.

I will repeat that we are heartened by the messages we are getting from the people in our contacts with them. It is obvious that people are concluding daily more and more that, on the one hand, Nicos Anastasiades has nothing more to offer, he can’t give anything else. Nicolas Papadopoulos, on the other hand, is because of his vacillations, adventurisms and dangerous positions he expresses not ready to govern the country. The only choice is Stavros Malas and we call on the people to trust him and to be sure that he will return the trust bestowed upon him many times over.


Citizens are called upon to judge how much truth there is in Anastasiades’ current pledges and to what extent they can trust him


The unimpeded exercise of the inalienable right to explore and drill is guaranteed only with the solution of the Cyprus problem