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Statement by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, on the result of the European elections

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th May 2014, Nicosia

euroelectionsWe express our satisfaction with the result. We waged the electoral battle in extremely difficult conditions. We set as AKEL’S first key objective the election of two MEPs. Our second objective was to maintain the percentage AKEL received in the recent presidential elections.

With the hard work of the cadres, membe
rs and friends of AKEL we managed to realize our goals. We wish from the bottom of our hearts to thank and congratulate all those who during the campaign gave their all; all those who fought for and fulfilled a very difficult task. The electoral success belongs primarily to them.

I also congratulate the candidates of AKEL, who graced the candidate list of the Party. They worked hard and contributed substantially to the Party’s contact with the people. They defended with vigour and successfully the Party’s positions and views.

The phenomenon of high abstention has been recorded in all the countries of the European Union. The peoples of Europe through their abstention have expressed their discontent and reaction to the neoliberal austerity policies implemented by the ruling circles of the European Union. They expressed their contempt and protest for the EU’s democratic deficits, which unfortunately are widening.

The abstention recorded is very high for Cyprus as well. Our people have an additional reason to be angry and furious with the European Union because of the brutal and unjust decisions imposed by the ruling circles in Europe against Cyprus.

At the same time, as AKEL we do not ignore the fact that in the elections a significant section of our compatriots with their abstention expressed disillusionment and discontent with the political system and political forces. We do not ignore, nor underestimate these messages.

We understand these messages, assuming the share of responsibility we have in order to restore relations of trust between parties and society and for institutions to regain their credibility.

As AKEL, we also understand the messages sent out by our Party’s electoral grass-roots, by abstaining, but also during the election campaign. Neither do we underestimate these messages too. It is our belief that these messages are not challenging the fundamental political positions of the Party. As AKEL we will continue our contacts and talk to the people; with its most lively and combative section. We will continue in our future struggles our contacts with everyone seeking a bastion of resistance against the anti-social policies against the people and their interests.

Everything we heard during these months of contacts in the pre-election campaign with our people, we take very seriously in mind to improve our Party. Our goal is to become even more effective in our work to defend the rights of workers and our people. The Party has already proceeded to changes. These changes will continue in view of the convening of the regular Party Congress of AKEL. A decision has already been made to speed up the holding of the Congress, which will take place in the first semester instead of at the end of next year.

The election results give us the strength to continue the hard and arduous struggle for Cyprus’ exit from the economic crisis and the anti-social Memorandum; to alleviate the problems and difficulties our people are facing. It gives us the strength to continue to combat resolutely the neoliberal onslaught unleashed by the Troika and the Anastasiades – Democratic Rally party government, against the attacks directed against the rights of workers, pensioners, the young generation, women and the refugees.

The election result gives us the strength to continue the struggle based on principles for a solution of the Cyprus problem; a solution that will liberate our country from the occupation and reunite our country and people.


We seek a Europe of peace and not of military interventions


AKEL statement on 2014 European elections