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AKEL statement on 2014 European elections

Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26th May 2014, Nicosia

euro2In the wake of yesterday’s European elections and subject to a comprehensive assessment of the election result through the established procedures of the Party, AKEL considers the result achieved as satisfactory, taking into account the extremely adverse conditions in which this electoral battle was waged. We want to again thank and congratulate the cadres, members and friends of the Party because through their hard work, AKEL, in these difficult conditions, was able to re-elect 2 MEPs and secure a percentage that maintains it as a leading political force in our country.

AKEL also congratulates the six candidate MEP’s of the Party, who through their overall presence, made their own important contribution to the result.

Above all however, we want to express our gratitude to the people of the Left and to all who supported AKEL, despite the negative climate that was cultivated against the Party for a long period even before the elections.

At the same time with our contacts all through the previous period with thousands of people of the Left, and not just them, we have received many and different messages, which we as AKEL must take very seriously into account in determining our next steps. Our constant goal is to meet the expectations of the people of the Left and make AKEL as strong as possible and able to serve effectively Cyprus, our people, the working people, youth and the vulnerable groups of the population, SME’s and society at large.

In this context, we will proceed decisively in an organized and coordinated manner towards elaborating a strategic plan through which we shall deepen and broaden the process of changes, which we have already began to implement in practice, to strengthen our struggle for liberation and the reunification of our country and people; to protect our people from the devastating consequences of the banking crisis and for the speediest possible rectification and recovery of the economy, which is still suffering cruelly from the anti-social policies of the Memorandum dead-end policy which the Troika and Anastasiades – Rally party DISY government are implementing.

On the results at European level

In the overwhelming majority of EU Member States the Left increased or maintained its strength.

The reflection of this fact is the growth in the presence of the Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left in the European Parliament in the number of its MEP’s. This is a positive and encouraging step forward in the struggle against the austerity policies for the protection of working people. The Cypriot people have reason to be optimistic that through the Group of the Left it will continue to have a worthy supporter in the European Parliament.

The European People’s Party have recorded a fall in percentages and seats, but retains its role as the principal conservative force of anti-social policy in the EU.

The Social Democrats have a reduced presence in the European Parliament, but continue their role of supporting and being supported by the system.

It is evident that a “give-and-take” procedure has been launched by the 2-3 major European political groups for the distribution of power in the Directorate of Brussels. At the same time, the anti-social policies of the ruling circles do not appear to change; a policy that will continue to find the Left fighting against it.

The high percentages recorded in some countries of right-wing and fascist forces, is an extremely negative development that is the result not only of the particular concurrence, but also caused by the system, as well as the very policies of the EU. The policy of “the two extremes”, of equating the extreme-right with the Left and the Communists, gives a pretext to fascism which secures political representation.

Finally, once again abstention and the depreciation of EU policies were evident with rates as high as 57%. Apart from national and party politics in each country, the main reason for abstention is that the system and the depreciation of the voice of the people, is driving a large section of the people to abstention and non-participation. This trend must be reversed at both the level of democratic participation and through social struggles.





Statement by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, on the result of the European elections


AKEL Political Bureau on the result of the European elections