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Speech by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou at the pancyprian election Rally of AKEL – Left – Social Alliance


29 May 2024, Skali Amphitheatre, Aglantzia, Nicosia

Dear friends,

From this very place, AKEL – Left – Social Alliance is sending a resounding message of victory to the whole of Cyprus tonight!

Tonight, we enter the final straight of the victorious march towards the elections!

We all here say to the thousands of voters of the Left, but also to every progressive citizen who wants a change of course:

  • join us in making a difference to change things
  • support AKEL – Left – Social Alliance with your vote, which is the force of assertion in Cyprus and Europe!

I want to say it with clarity. For AKEL, Cyprus’ place in the European Union is non-negotiable. But we have to answer the crucial question:

What kind of Europe do we want?

  • Do we want a Europe in the hands of the Right and the far right or the Europe of democracy, solidarity and dignity of its peoples?
  • Do we want a Europe of NATO and ongoing wars or a Europe of Peace?
  • Do we want a Europe that collaborates and hypocritically turns a blind eye to the genocide being carried out by Israel in Gaza or a Europe that stands up for solidarity and justice?
  • Do we want a Europe of an uncontrolled Central Bank imposing interest rate hikes, forcing European societies to their knees, or a Europe with an agenda focused on people’s needs and interests, social solidarity, social justice, transparency and accountability?
  • Do we want to send MEP’s to Europe who applaud or MEPs who have the political stature to assert?

For AKEL – Left – Social Alliance there are no false dilemmas.

We are fighting for a fundamentally different Europe. That’s what we are asserting!

A social European Union. Democratic. Peaceful in which the driving force is the improvement of the quality of life of the many. Not of the privileged few.

  • We are not alone in this struggle. Our vision is shared by those who are not comfortable with the realities that prevail today in the European Union of 95 million poor people. When at the same time, the billionaires in Europe have increased their wealth by half a trillion euros over the past three years.
  • This vision is shared by all those who want to put a stop to the European People’s Party and the forces of the Right. It is these forces that insist, violating principles and the law, on selling arms to Turkey while in Cyprus they engage in meaningless empty talk. It is the forces of the Right and the far right that voted against the proposal tabled by the Left for the imposition of an arms embargo on the occupying power, Turkey.

AKEL – Left – Social Alliance is running in these elections with a strong and dynamic electoral list.

An electoral list with three men and three women, because on the Left gender equality must start from home. A list with people from our Party, AKEL, and people from the Social Alliance. An alliance we are building with the progressive people of Cyprus, to become the great force for change. An electoral list that is the bridge between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots and continues the historic step we took in 2019. With Giorgos Georgiou, Anna Theologou, Stavri Kalopsidiotou, Andros Karagiannis, Niyazi Kizilyurek and Melani Steliou at the forefront, we are paving and charting the way forward. We are presenting a clear choice to the people of the Left, progress and democracy.

Dear friends,

The European elections of 9 June are taking place in the shadow of two facts that weigh on our country and people. On the one hand, there is the literally critical situation in which the Cyprus problem finds itself. On the other hand, there is the ongoing expensiveness and price increases which are putting pressure on society and draining the economy.

Furthermore, there is a reality which is setting the agenda for these elections: immigration. We as AKEL do not push problems under the carpet. We are listening to society and we understand people’s anxiety about this huge social issue. At the same time, however, we refuse to develop our political activity based on fear. We stand against the inhumane rhetoric of the far right. Immigration needs proposals that are distinguished by political boldness and sensitivity. We submit these proposals with a view to ensuring an equal sharing of responsibility between EU states. That’s precisely what a force of assertion means. Namely, putting the rights of our people first, but at the same time not losing our humanity.

As far as the Cyprus problem is concerned, I am sure that all of us who are here – but also the overwhelming majority of citizens, irrespective of their political affiliation – understand the critical and dangerous phase in which the cause of the solution of the Cyprus problem is going through. If effort undertaken by the special envoy of the UN Secretary General fizzles out without yielding any results or if we are led into a new procedure that collapses again, the consequences will be devastating, if not fatal, for the Cyprus problem and for Cyprus. It will be fatal for the prospect of living again in a united and free homeland.

Faced with this ominous prospect, AKEL has tabled a specific proposal from 2020. Our proposal nullifies in practice the demands of the Erdogan-Tatar duo for a two state solution. Our proposal safeguards the framework for the reunification of Cyprus on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality. It is a proposal that expresses a convincing readiness for the resumption of the talks from where they were suspended in 2017 at Crans Montana, on the basis of the Guterres Framework and the entire negotiating acquis {body of work agreed]. A proposal with concrete proposals in the field of energy, a factor that can, given specific circumstances, create a dynamic for a solution of the Cyprus problem.

Price increases/expensiveness is the next big issue, the top issue not so much in the electoral agenda but – first and foremost – in our own daily lives. Here too AKEL responds by submitting a proposal. With assertions and not by simply issuing public statements. After all, people – households, workers, young people, small businessmen, borrowers – know better than anyone else what price increases/expensiveness, high interest rates, unaffordable rents, low wages and soaring fuel and electricity prices mean. It is the current government ruling forces who must at long last comprehend how much society is suffering. The worst thing about them is that they are concealing a great glaring reality: that while people’s pockets are emptying, other pockets are filling up: the pockets of the banks, the energy companies and the state coffers, which are accumulating hundreds of millions of euros from the taxes that people pay.

In the face of this reality, AKEL has submitted to the House of Representatives a proposal for a bill proposal for the taxation of the windfall and exorbitant profits of the banks so that the revenues generated can be used for pursuing a targeted social policy. It is a proposal based on the model successfully implemented in Spain which could bring tens of millions of euros to the state coffers in order to provide support to thousands of households, young couples, and consistent borrowers who have seen their instalments to the banks skyrocket overnight, financially suffocating them.

How, indeed, is it possible that the government and the other political parties are not moved by what a large section of our society is suffering?

How can they not be moved when thousands of young people cannot afford to acquire their own homes?

While they are indifferent, we stand with society and therefore request its support so that we can continue to effectively combat the government’s inaction on the issue of poverty, but also to confront the powerful interests that continue the feast on society’s back.

Dear friends,

We are just 10 days away from the elections and I can confidently tell you that we are optimistic about the outcome. We are optimistic from the messages we are getting every day from society. We are optimistic because all through the previous period, AKEL has dared to make radical changes in order to become better and more effective, which is the expectation and the demand of the people of the Left. Because we have taken the historic decision to open ourselves even more to society and to extend the hand of cooperation to people who do not come from the Left but rally their forces together with AKEL and the Left in the great Social Alliance we are forging, with our faith in democracy and progress as compass and driving force.

Over the past few days, we have panic prevailing in the face of this broad social alliance being forged. Anti-communism and the vulgar theory of “two extremes” are being employed from the past by resorting to lies and distortions. We will not give in to this toxic tactic. We will continue to act politically on the basis of a positive progressive agenda, giving priority to the interests of the many.

Ten days before the elections, we are now in the final stretch.

The message is one and one only: that AKEL – Left – Social Alliance must emerge a strong and prominent force in order to end the downward slide. And, yes, the elections will show AKEL strong and powerful, strengthening hope for today and tomorrow in our country.

  • A vote for AKEL – Left – Social Alliance means a militant, serious and vibrant opposition to the faltering Christodoulides government.
  • A vote for AKEL – Left – Social Alliance conveys the most resounding message to the government that they are up against a mass and effective force to scrutinize and control the executive power and its arrogance.
  • A vote for AKEL – Left – Social Alliance means a powerful force of assertion for the people of labour, for young people, for households, the middle strata, small businessmen, for all the people who need to be defended against the ruthlessness of the market, the banks and the powerful interests that think that the country is their pawn.
  • Lastly – perhaps most urgent of all – a strong Left means that the front of democracy will be strong against the advancing far-right both in Cyprus and Europe. It is clear that Europe is living moments that resemble a repetition of the times before the Nazis came to power, while in our country there are many things that daily remind us of the period we lived through before 1974.

We are the force that has stood alone for so many years against the far right and neo-fascism.

We drew the line of defence for democracy, refusing to enter into any dialogue with them when all the other forces either turned a blind eye or made deals and transactions with the far-right ELAM party.

The modern political history of our country has recorded that Anastasiades, Christodoulides and DISY President Anita Demetriou were elected in office with the votes of ELAM and apparently these bills are still being repaid with sad deals and rewards.

Besides, in Europe too, the Right has announced its readiness to cooperate with the far-right on the eve of the European elections. The problem, however, is not only that they are cooperating with the far right, but that they are ALSO becoming more like the far right every day. With their rhetoric, political actions, policies, with their divisive behaviour towards the Left.

Our own call is addressed to every democratic and progressive Cypriot to not permit another dark page to be repeated for our country and continent. To defend the values of democracy, progress and solidarity. To defend the human rights of all people. To defend the history of this land that is still paying the price for their ideological concepts.

Dear friends,

In 10 days we can begin to reorientate the course of our country, changing the political map and the balance of forces that are keeping the country down. The European, as well as the local elections, can pave the way for the great change that our Cyprus needs.

In 10 days we can make the difference and reverse the situation TOGETHER. With Giorgos, Anna, Stavri, Andros, Niyazi, Melani and with them all of us, all the people of the Left and the Social Alliance.

  • So we are moving forward.

United and determined. With honesty and clarity as always.

  • We move forward.

For a strong Left force for progress, a powerful and militant Left.

With hope, confidence and self-confidence.

  • We move forward.

For democracy to win, for us to continue to be a strong bastion of resistance against the far right.

  • We move forward!

For peaceful coexistence with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots in a common, free Homeland!

The Left knows how to wage battles and win them.

And the battle we are fighting now, we will win it!

Let’s march forward!

Stay strong!





We vote for both Europe and Cyprus


Cyprus and its people want MEP’s who assert, not applaud