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Press Conference of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou on AKEL’s proposal for the resumption of negotiations


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 9th January 2021, Nicosia

We are making our proposal on the Cyprus problem public today, which we had submitted to the President of the Republic last December.

This was deemed necessary, given that Mr. Anastasiades had already addressed, unilaterally, a letter to the Secretary General of the UN. We didn’t demand that he should adopt our proposal, but we at least expected him to inform us of his reaction to it.

We expected that he would convene the National Council to consult the political parties before addressing the UN. He did not, so he takes full responsibility for what will follow.

However, because the issues are at a critical point and as history will judge us all, we consider it our patriotic duty to set out our views to the Cypriot people and warn of what might follow if the President of the Republic continues with the same tactics.

The recent developments must have convinced every logical patriot that the choices we have before us are between a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation and partition. Therefore, the only point where we can meet Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots who want a solution of the Cyprus problem and reunification is bi-zonal, bi-communal federation.

A solution in which the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriot citizens will be guaranteed and safeguarded.

A solution based on the Resolutions of the United Nations, the High-Level Agreements, International Law and the principles on which the European Union is founded on.

A solution that will demilitarize Cyprus and exclude any guarantees or intervention rights in our country’s internal affairs by foreign powers.

A solution that will reunite the land, the people, the institutions and the economy within the framework of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship, a single international personality and political equality as set out in the United Nations texts.

A solution that will lead to a united state, a continuation of the Republic of Cyprus.

To achieve this solution, the negotiations must resume. It has been three years since the break down at Crans Montana. Turkey exploited the vacuum that was created. It has escalated its aggression in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus and attempting to create fait accompli in Famagusta. At the same time, Turkey is demanding a change in the framework for a solution to the Cyprus problem. It is putting forth its unacceptable demand for a two-state solution on the table.

As AKEL we had been warning about all of this 3 years ago. Unfortunately, not only were we not listened to, but we were accused of adopting Turkish propaganda. Unfortunately, developments themselves have vindicated us in a tragic way for our country.

The excuses that Turkey puts forward to escalate its aggression, to attempt to create fait accompli and to put forward its unacceptable demand for a two-state solution, are summarized as follows: the Greek Cypriots do not accept political equality with Turkish Cypriots, do not want the resumption of the talks and are attempting to unilaterally exploit the natural wealth in the Cypriot EEZ. As groundless as they are, these excuses regrettably they influence a section of the international community that considers these excuses an “alibi” for Turkey. Our own side’s initiative must reply and fully expose them for everything they are doing.

It should corner and force them to discuss on the basis of the agreed framework or be exposed.

The proposal we submitted to Mr. Anastasiades includes two interrelated proposals which contain the handlings that we believe need to be done.

The proposal’s first pillar concerns what must be done to resume the negotiations and the second explains how the natural gas can be used to become an incentive for the solution of the Cyprus problem.


  1. Proposal for the resumption of the negotiations
  2. We insist without terms and preconditions on the agreed framework of the solution, that is to say the bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as this is prescribed in the relevant resolutions of the Security Council.
  3. We express our readiness for the continuation of the negotiations on the basis of the 2014 Joint Declaration, the Framework of the Secretary General of the UN as this was submitted at Crans Montana and the convergences that have been achieved to date.
  4. We reaffirm the validity of the convergences relating to the political equality of the two communities and more specifically of those relating to the effective participation, including the rotating presidency with cross voting and weighted vote, as well as the one positive Turkish Cypriot vote for the taking of any decision by the Council of Ministers. To solve any problems, the convergence regarding the deadlock resolution mechanism must also be reaffirmed.
  5. We, as the Greek Cypriot side, express our readiness to submit at the appropriate time bridging proposals on the outstanding issues of the Framework of the Secretary General of the UN with the aim of reaching a speedy strategic understanding.


  1. Proposal for the natural gas and maritime zones
  2. The convergences as these have been recorded in the UN Document “Convergences 2008-2012”: on the maritime zones as a federal competence (therefore, as an issue which will be co-managed by the two communities), on the natural resources also as a federal competence (which by definition include the natural gas), and on the allocation of federal revenues (which include the revenues from hydrocarbons) should be reaffirmed. The specific convergences form a complete framework, which, with the solution of the Cyprus problem, will regulate the issues of maritime zones as a whole on the basis of international law, the management of the issue of hydrocarbons and the allocation of revenues resulting from them.
  3. With the conclusion of a strategic understanding, the issue of the involvement of the Turkish Cypriots in the issues of natural gas can be discussed.
  4. With the solution of the Cyprus problem, a Federal Fund for Hydrocarbons will be established to succeed the already existing Fund, from which no withdrawals are allowed.
  5. Following the comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, the United Republic of Cyprus and Turkey will begin negotiations aiming at the delimitation of the EEZ on the basis of the International Law of the Sea.
  6. Irrespective of the progress of the negotiations for delimitation, after the implementation of the agreement on a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, the United Republic of Cyprus and Turkey shall resume negotiations for a mutually beneficial agreement concerning the routing of a natural gas pipeline towards Turkey, provided that this is favourable from a financial and technical perspective (whether it serves for its own use or the transportation of natural gas to other destinations).
  7. With the overall settlement of the Cyprus problem, the Federal Republic will not bring any obstacles to Turkey’s participation in the wider energy planning in the region.


No one can guarantee that if these proposals are adopted, Turkey and Mr. Tatar will cooperate for the resumption of substantive negotiations and reach a solution within the agreed framework. It is however, an effective way of convincing the United Nations and the international community in general of our own sincere intentions. This will strengthen our effort to prevent further partitionist actions and Turkish machinations for a two-state solution or/and confederation.

We consider that by submitting such a proposal we could be one step ahead as the Greek Cypriot side, proving to the Cypriot people and the international community that we are ready to do everything possible to prevent the final partition and liberate and reunite our country.

We are conscious of the fact that Mr. Anastasiades has chosen to proceed with another proposal. He has every right to do so as President of the Republic. However, we reiterate that he will be fully responsible for the developments.

We repeat once again. If Mr. Anastasiades chooses to work with consistency and dedication to the agreed framework of the solution, AKEL will assume its historical responsibility, supporting the whole effort.

If he continues to act indecisively and with contradictions and regressions, we are very afraid that he will go down in history as the leader of the partition of our island.

We urge him to realize, even at the last moment, the criticality of the times and the very grave historical responsibilities he assumes. We call on him to act as he should so that Cyprus is saved. There is no more time left. History is watching him and will judge him…


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