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AKEL Tsielepis: The UN’s language is becoming more blunt over time


AKEL’s positions on the Cyprus problem will be made public today – The President didn’t even give a reply

9 January 2021,’Astra’ radio station

As time passes and there are no developments surrounding the Cyprus problem, the language used by the UN will become more blunt, Toumazos Tsielepis pointed out, referring to the content of the UN Secretary General’s Reports.

Speaking to ‘Astra’ radio station, the Head of AKEL’s Cyprus Problem Office noted that all this is extremely worrying and AKEL’s position is vindicated that President Anastasiades did not convince (the international community) of his readiness to continue the talks from where they had remained at Crans Montana.

Furthermore, T.Tsielepis called on the Turkish Cypriot side to put an end to the rhetoric about a two-state solution because that takes us back many years.

Tsielepis said that AKEL will make public today its proposals on the Cyprus problem which it has submitted to the President of the Republic who did not even respond, but instead submitted his own proposal to the UN Secretary General without any consultation.

He added that AKEL submitted specific proposals on what the President must do, to convince when he says that he is ready to resume the talks from where they had left off.

In addition, there are some well-intentioned incentives in AKEL’s proposals that can be given to Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots, that won’t cross “red lines”, but will be able to convince the other side to remain on the agreed basis for a solution to the Cyprus problem.

Toumazos Tsielepis also said that AKEL’s proposals can convince the UN and the EU, and would not be able to absolve Turkey of its responsibilities if it persists in its intransigent stance.


Press Conference of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou on AKEL's proposal for the resumption of negotiations


Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member, on the draft report of the UN Secretary General on the Cyprus problem