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Only the resumption of talks will halt Turkish aggression


Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou after the meeting of the National Council

4 October 2019, “Cyprus News Agency” (CNA)

εθνικοOnly with the resumption of negotiations will Turkish aggression be halted, the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou said today.

In his statements after the meeting of the National Council, Mr. Kyprianou said that the prolonged deadlock that has developed after the Crans Montana talks has created such a state of affairs that holds back and make the efforts to resume the negotiations difficult. On the other hand there are attempting to alter the agreed framework of the solution.

Mr. Kyprianou denounced “in the strongest possible terms”, as he said, “the new Turkish provocative actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. These actions are very provocative, demonstrating Turkey’s aggression and creating enormous problems to efforts for the resumption of substantive negotiations aiming at the solution of the Cyprus problem. ”

I am not hiding the fact that we are even more concerned about how things are developing lately, Mr. Kyprianou said, adding that the protracted stalemate that has evolved since the Crans Montana conference has created situations that make the attempt to resume negotiations difficult.

The General Secretary of AKEL said that it is of the utmost importance that we realize all the dangers that exist and are looming against Cyprus and the whole of the Cypriot people and that we should all understand that our attention must be focused on how substantive negotiations are resumed.

He agreed with the President of DISY that if we are to be convincing and if we want to retain our credibility when addressing the international community, we must make very clear about what form of solution we are asserting for a resumption of negotiations. That is to say, “the solution of bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as interpreted by the UN resolutions which provides for the continuation of the Republic of Cyprus, with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship,” he said.

We therefore consider it is the duty of both leaders to focus their efforts on how the negotiations should resume, he added.

I am regret to note, he said, that the impression we get at least from the public positions being expressed by Mr. Akinci, but unfortunately also by on our own side too, is that they are more interested in how a positive picture will be portrayed instead of focusing on the essence which is the substantive resumption of negotiations.

The General Secretary of AKEL went on to say that “we are worried because every day that goes by with Turkey’s attempts to impose fait accompli, with additional and increasing degrees of difficulty in resuming substantive negotiations, we are sliding towards the final partition, which will be the starting point for new ordeals for Cyprus and the people of Cyprus”.

Mr. Kyprianou noted that despite the fact that processes have taken place, he hasn’t been convinced that serious efforts have been made to resume substantive negotiations. “We will wait to see what the next moves will be on the part of the UN Secretary General,” he said.

The Secretary General was very clear after the Crans Montana conference in his Report of September 2017. He set three preconditions. The most important thing, in my view, he A.Kyprianou noted, is that the Secretary General must be convinced that the political will exists this time so that we can go to the very end.

“But as Mr. Akinci demands that his condition for one positive vote in all bodies is put forward, we can also put forward the explicit reference for the abolition of  the Treaty of Guarantee,” he said.

It cannot be for us to be saying something verbally and essentially with the demands we project we are moving in the exactly the opposite direction, he said.

If the preconditions are created for the resumption of negotiations, Turkey will not be able to continue its provocations, he said.

Asked whether the issue of guarantees has been raised by the Greek Cypriot side, Mr. Kyprianou said that “this is what we have been told at the National Council. Unless you know something different…”

Asked whether the President had informed them of what response there will be to Turkey’s provocative actions, Mr. Kyprianou referred to the Government Spokesman.

“I reiterate AKEL’s concern about developments as they are unfolding, and about the escalation of Turkish aggression, which is developing very dangerously and we need to effectively address this aggression.

Only with the resumption of negotiations will this Turkish aggression be halted”, he concluded.


The two leaders must assume their historic responsibilities


It isn’t true that the AKEL General Secretary prevented the issuing of a joint press statement