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It isn’t true that the AKEL General Secretary prevented the issuing of a joint press statement


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th October 2019, Nicosia

GS AKEL-ANDROS-KYPRIANOU09What certain forces and circles are disseminating that the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou supposedly blocked the issuing of a joint statement at the National Council.

The truth is that DISY President Mr. Averof Neophytou proposed a joint statement, including an explicit reference to the solution of bi-zonal, bi-communal federation and the need for an immediate resumption of negotiations.

Members of the National Council reacted to the release of a statement that would include the reference to Bi-zonal, Bi-communal Federation.

Faced with this situation, the General Secretary of AKEL wondered how a joint press statement could be issued, when a common understanding as to the basis of the solution sought doesn’t exist, but also on how the current situation with Turkey’s provocative actions is addressed.

We issue this statement just to restore the truth.


Only the resumption of talks will halt Turkish aggression


AKEL General Secretary: We must all seek negotiations aiming at solving the Cyprus problem