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On the side of the workers in public hospitals for the negotiation of a collective labour agreement


25 October 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office

AKEL expresses its solidarity with the struggle being waged by workers in public hospitals for the drawing up of a collective labour agreement. We particularly welcome the unity that has been forged by the workers in this struggle.

The government must provide an answer as to whether it agrees with the position of the Board of the State Health Services (OKYPY) on the issue, which essentially advocates that there should be different grades of workers in the country’s public hospitals.

How will the extension of collective agreements – as is the objective set by the relevant European Directive – be achieved when public hospitals will not have a collective agreement for all their employees?

All this adds to the statements by the Minister of Finance on the health sector, which reveal a perception in which the government effectively abdicates any responsibility for the decisions taken by OKYPY and for the prevailing situation in public hospitals.





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