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On the Cyprus problem – “Phileleftheros” newspaper report

Written statement by the Yiorgos Loucaides, Head of the Parliamentary Group of AKEL-Left-New Forces

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th October 2017, Nicosia

The daily “Phileleftheros” newspaper today published a press report according to which MEP’s other than the Left are seeking to bring back on the agenda the issue of direct trade with the occupied areas, the representation of Turkish Cypriots and other longstanding objectives of Turkey.

After many years of being frozen, they are again raising issues that are extremely dangerous for our national cause. Unfortunately, they are also bringing to the fore issues related to the enclosed city of Famagusta, Morphou, the Maronite villages and the further economic strengthening of the Compensation Committee with the increased risk now of new fait accompli being created against our national cause.

With Turkey exempted from any responsibilities in the UN Secretary-General’s recent report and the praise heaped on Turkey’s pledge to agree on a mutually acceptable arrangement in the field of security and guarantees, corresponding Turkish plans and objectives are being facilitated.

Mr. Anastasiades’ responsibilities for these negative developments are severe, since during the last few months, at crucial moments, he has implemented policies that Mr. Nicholas Papadopoulos advocates. He unfortunately has set the upcoming elections and not the future generations as his priority, as a result of which issues such as direct trade are again coming to the fore.

In order to halt such negative developments and to make use of the possibilities for an honorable compromise, the regressions and expediencies of Nicos Anastasiades, but also the unproductive and dangerous negativity of Nicolas Papadopoulos must be censured in the upcoming elections. On the contrary, the policies of credibility, stability, consistency and commitment to principles pursued by the independent candidacy of Stavros Malas should be welcomed. .


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