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Nothing is forgotten – the struggle continues for the vindication of Cyprus and our people

AKEL declaration on the anniversary of the fascist coup of 15 July 1974

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14 July 2018, Nicosia

This year’s 15th July marks the 44th anniversary of the greatest betrayal and treachery ever committed in our country’s modern history against Cyprus and its people. On that terrible day of the fascist coup d’état of the Greek junta and EOKA B, the first act of the Cypriot drama took place, signaling the beginning of the greatest destruction in the history of Cyprus. That’s how it will always be perceived in the collective consciousness of the Cypriot people.

The coup d’état was not the isolated action of some fools, as the attempt is often made to suggest. Quite the opposite is true, given that it was the culmination of the plans and actions to undermine and subvert Cyprus independence over many years. The aim of the treachery committed, through the attempt to overthrow and assassinate Makarios, was the dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus, the Turkish invasion and partition of Cyprus. Besides, the House of Representatives’ Finding on the File of Cyprus it commissioned concluded that the coup d’état was the result of a conspiracy that was machinated by the US and NATO, whose execution was assigned to the Greek junta and the EOKA B organization of Grivas.

Forty-four years later, the Cypriot people is still suffering from the tragic consequences of the coup. The crime committed, for which no one has ever been punished, continues to determine the lives of the people of Cyprus to date. Turkey continues to occupy 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. The wound of the missing persons, the enclaved people (in the occupied areas), the refugees and the victims is still open. The threat of new pains and afflictions continues to hang over Cyprus. That’s why any action that seeks to pardon, vindicate or/and even justify those who executed and participated in the coup d’etat, Grivas and EOKA B is unacceptable and condemnable.

The resurgence of the ideas and actions of Grivas and chauvinism in our days is expressed by the rise of ultra-right, fascist organizations. It is expressed by the construction of monuments and the turning into heroes of those who attacked the Presidential Palace on 15 July 1974. It is expressed by the pandering to and the cooperation with the Nazi ultra-Right. Those forces and circles who declare that they want a solution to the Cyprus problem would do well to know that the reunification of Cyprus and the decriminalization of the coup d’état cannot coexist.

AKEL once again denounces in the strongest possible terms the fascist coup, its instigators, organizers and executers. It pays tribute to the memory of the fallen Resistance fighters and embraces with respect their families. AKEL expresses its gratitude towards all the Resistance fighters who, with their struggles, saved the dignity of our people. It once again condemns the crimes committed in the eight days of the duration of the coup d’état.

On the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the coup d’état and the invasion, AKEL is organizing a mass anti-occupation meeting of memory, honor and struggle on Wednesday, 18th July at the “Skali” Amphitheatre in Nicosia. AKEL calls on the people to participate in a mass and militant way in the event to honor our dead and our Heroes, to demonstrate our willingness not to let anything be forgotten and to continue the struggle for the vindication of Cyprus and our people.


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