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Message of rallying for progressive change | AKEL Declaration on the 96th Anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of Cyprus (CPC) – AKEL

On the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of Cyprus (CPC), AKEL addresses a message of unity and struggle to its thousands of members, to the people of the Left and to all the working people of our country.

The 15th August is a milestone in the history of Cyprus, in the course of social and popular struggles in our country. The foundation of the Communist Party of Cyprus on 15th August 1926 signaled the emergence for the very first time in Cyprus of an organised political force of the working people, which rendered people themselves as the main protagonists of struggles, developments and history. The CPC laid the foundations of the worker’s movement in Cyprus and inspired the first workers’ struggles for a living wage. It set the compass of the Cypriot Left for forging the unity of the Greeks and Turks of Cyprus in the struggle for freedom and bread. It put forward the radical demands of the time for gender equality, the separation of church and state, the education of the people and housing for the poor. It spoke to the Cypriot working class about the socialist revolutionary vision, communist ideals, internationalism and peace.

Ninety-six years onwards, our Party looks back on its history with respect and pride. It honors the pioneering communists who planted the seed of 1926 and watered it with the blood and sweat of their struggles and sacrifices. It honors the AKEL militants and members who made this seed a deep-rooted tree, a powerful force for our people and homeland.

At the same time, AKEL looks to the future with hope and optimism. Conscious of its historic role in preventing the permanent partition of our country. With determination and struggle, both inside and outside of parliament, to build a strong economy that should support and serve a modern and effective welfare state. To secure the modern rights of the working people. To protect public education and health care. To save the natural environment of our island. To combat corruption, entanglement/interwoven interests, corruption and clientelism/cronyism.  These aspirations of the people and youth of Cyprus represent the benchmark of success for AKEL.

The 96th anniversary of the foundation of the CPC-AKEL finds AKEL in the battle to get rid of the DISY government, which has caused numerous serious deadlocks, in the battle for progressive change with the election of the independent candidate Andreas Mavroyiannis to the Presidency of the country. Our Party has a long history of cooperation and joint action with figures and forces beyond the spectrum of the Left, with whom it shares goals and visions for our country. With Andreas Mavroyiannis, AKEL shares the principal goal for the solution and reunification of our country, for the need to implement a drastic social programme for the benefit of working people and youth, the urgent demand of society for a new government with ethos, honesty and a democratic culture.

AKEL addresses a message of the rallying of forces to its thousands of members, the people of the Left and society in general to bring change and make the aspirations of our people a reality. To turn a page in the history of Cyprus, to open a perspective for our country and people!


We have no right to abandon the struggle for a solution


The government ruling forces do not understand the democratic and institutional aberration that the wiretappings constitute