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Lies and distortions aim at denigrating Akinci’s image

Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th September 2015, Nicosia


Akinci cprAKEL from the beginning welcomed the assumption by Mr. Akinci of the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community, believing in his honest and long-standing position in favour of an honorable compromise on the Cyprus problem. However, we have never believed that Akinci would express the positions of the Greek Cypriot side at the negotiating table. We therefore consider it legitimate for the political forces to express their different positions and disagreements with positions which the Turkish Cypriot side puts forth. However, what occurred with regards yesterday’s reactions by the parties from the so-called “middle ground” is judged as anything but legitimate. Mr. Akinci never threatened with war on the issue of natural gas. He stated the obvious, namely that the natural gas in the region must constitute a key element in regional cooperation and a source of mutual benefit, rather than a cause of conflict and confrontation.

AKEL expresses its deep concern over the fabrication of a non-existent issue through lies and distortions in order to damage the image of Mustafa Akinci among Greek Cypriots. The desperate attempt by certain political parties to defame Mr. Akinci’s image is evidently part of the broader attempts to cultivate syndromes of fear in order to destroy any possibility of building a climate of trust and ultimately to kill any hope and the very prospect of reaching a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution.




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Déclaration du Comité Central d’AKEL  sur l’évolution en cours de la question chypriote