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Let’s strengthen the struggles at every level of society

Interview with Charis Karamanos, AKEL Central Organisational Secretary and Political Bureau member

Sunday 19 May 2024, “Haravgi” newspaper

QUESTION: There are just 20 days left until the 9 June multiple elections. What is AKEL’s plan?

CK: Our organisational plan is multidimensional and evolving in many directions. We are in the final stretch towards the elections and the first and decisive objective is to achieve mass participation of the people. To convince the voters of the Left, from a broader spectrum, every democratically-minded person, to vote for AKEL-Left-Social Alliance. By going out and talking to the people, in every neighbourhood, district, village, town, by our election campaign teams. This is AKEL’s strength and oxygen, namely its contacts and discussion with the people, seeking to win the people’s hearts and minds and therefore their support.

We need to be vigilant, focused, ensure good coordination and demonstrate perseverance in aiming to fulfil our objectives so we can achieve the desired results. In these elections, no one is spared. We have a duty to strengthen the Left in Europe, in Cyprus, in Municipalities and Local communities. To strengthen the struggles at every level in society.

QUESTION: What is AKEL planning for the coming days?

CK: One month before the elections, we are continuing our hard work and are proud because the proposals we are putting before the people were not written in any closed offices. They don’t serve powerful financial interests, but are the result of our ongoing contacts with society and of the dialogue we constantly have with organised groups and movements, with those who really want and care about this country finally moving forward.

On this occasion, we reiterate our invitation to participate in the big election rally which will take place on Wednesday 29 May, at 7.45 p.m., at the “Skali” Aglantzia amphitheatre, with the participation of the General Secretary of the Party Stefanos Stefanou and the Greek artist Christos Thivaios. At the same time, separate final election rallies will be held by the candidates for the Presidency of the District Organizations, Mayors and deputy Mayors, as well as by the candidates Heads of Local Communities AKEL supports.

QUESTION: What is at stake in these local government and European Parliament elections?

CK: We are presenting to the people credible and strong electoral lists as AKEL-Left-Social Alliance, with competent and active people, with an appetite and enthusiasm for work and making their contribution in Europe and local society, and this certainly plays its own role. The stakes are very specific. To achieve the best possible results. The country needs a strong AKEL, a strong Left, and a strong Social Alliance. A leading force. Mass. A militant, serious and well-documented opposition force. We are continuing on this path.

What I can say from my daily experience is that every day that goes by, with the hard, continuous and collective work being carried out by the thousands of selfless militants and members of AKEL who remain in the front line in actions and daily political struggles, confirms that this electoral battle will be won.

With unity and determination. With the momentum of our history and the strength of our ideology. For the freedom and reunification of our country and the defence of our workers and people.

For the European elections I recall that we have an electoral list that makes history and unites Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots as AKEL is the Party of all Cypriots. Our objective for the European elections is to secure the two seats in the European Parliament that we have been winning since 2004.

As for the local government elections, the goal is to elect the Mayors, deputy Mayors and Presidents of the District Organisations AKEL supports, as well as a strong and increased presence of AKEL in the Municipal Councils, School Boards and Local Community Councils. To elect people to local government who know local communities, who are passionate about them, who have a vision and specific solutions and who will open up paths and prospects for the future. It is a fact that certain forces, in an organised way, have tried to isolate AKEL in these elections.

They didn’t succeed, however, and the reason is obvious. AKEL is a strong force with a long history, but also a force with a perspective. A perspective that stems from its uninterrupted presence and creative contribution to the small and big stakes that Cypriot society faces. It is also a fact that certain forces have engaged in an organised attempt to undermine the will of voters, something which the Director-General of the Ministry of the Interior himself has admitted.

These practices are unprecedented in our country’s political history. And it is unacceptable for the government to say that these practices will be examined after the elections. Citizens have a right to know before they go to vote who is not respecting the basic principles of democracy and the integrity of the electoral procedure.

QUESTION: Do you consider that people are sufficiently informed about these elections?

CK: Much more could be done, first and foremost by the Ministry of the Interior, which has the main responsibility for the elections. There should be a more substantive and multi-level campaign. Issuing an announcement every now and then or broadcasting an internet spot cannot be considered as an effective enlightenment campaign. Voter information should be carried out earlier, targeting pensioners and young people. We have elaborated several suggestions on this issue, which we will submit to the relevant authorities after the elections.

QUESTION: How does AKEL inform the people?

CK: AKEL hasn’t began informing people now, but from the day the Reform of local government was decided. The Local Government Bureau of the C.C. of the Party in cooperation with the District Committees of AKEL organised dozens of seminars for cadres and members in Municipalities and Local communities to brief them both about the essence of the Reform and the election procedure.

At this stage we are focusing on extensively informing voters about the multiple election. First, through our personal contact with voters by means of the single brochures we are distributing, which include our candidates and programmatic positions. This very important aspect of our campaign has the main objective of letting people know which candidates AKEL is supporting in each district, municipality and community – for example, which President of the District Organisation, Mayor, deputy Mayor – and which are the AKEL-Left-Social Alliance ballot papers for Municipal Councils and School Boards, as well as how many people a voter is entitled to vote for. Something similar is happening in local communities.

Our information campaign is also being carried out through our social networks and the platform www.akel2024.cy that has been set up. Of course, the start of our campaign was preceded by the presentation of our candidates at every event, and by the information provided from the District Committees on everything related to the elections. The AKEL District Committees, our regional and local cadres and militants deserve congratulations for this extra effort to inform public opinion.


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