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European Parliament’s Resolution on Turkey’s violations in Cyprus’ EEZ sends strong messages


Statement by Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson
AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th November 2014, Nicosia

EU european parliamentAs AKEL, we want to express our satisfaction and welcome the strong political message sent out yesterday by the European Parliament to Turkey. Despite Ankara’s coordinated efforts to prevent the approval of this resolution or / and to change its contents, Turkey’s efforts failed.

In coordination with the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus in Brussels and through the collective handling and unity displayed by the Cypriot MEP’s – with AKEL and the Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left playing a leading role in determining the content of the resolution – the successful outcome of this important initiative was made possible. In this strong resolution, Turkey is denounced for its provocative actions of violating the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, including the identification and exploitation of natural gas, which as specified “any gas finds would benefit both communities in Cyprus if a lasting, political solution can be found”. This clarification refers us to the convergences agreed between Christofias and Talat regarding the maritime zones, natural resources and the distribution of the relevant revenues; convergences demonstrating that the negotiations simultaneously solve the issue of natural gas.

Yesterday’s success is obviously a very important tool to tackle internationally Turkey’s provocative actions. However, such political successes must not under any circumstances lead to complacency, given that they do not automatically negate neither the fait accompli, nor the indifferent position adopted by permanent members of the UN Security Council.

On the occasion of yesterday’s resolution, we once again call on Turkey to defuse the tension which it itself has created in order to allow the resumption of the negotiations, aiming at the achievement of a comprehensive solution as soon as possible, which remains our primary objective and priority.


Read further:

European Parliament resolution of 13 November 2014 on Turkish actions creating tensions in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus 



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