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DISY-DIKO-EDEK-Solidarity and ELAM voted for the employers against the workers


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th December 2019, Nicosia

It doesn’t take much thought to understand the motives and purposes behind the cutting of the funds for the establishment and operation of the Single Inspection Service by the parties DISY, DIKO, EDEK, ‘Solidarity’ and ELAM.

These parties want to serve the interests of employers at the expense of working people’s rights. Employers’ organizations are not comfortable with the relevant Bill and are constantly setting new demands.

The cutting of the funding is the culmination of these parties’ delaying stance who want to serve the employers.

The issue has been before the House for three years now. Twice it has reached the plenary session and a decision on it was postponed. Now its bringing back is imminent, but the majority of the House has decided to cut the relevant funding.

It is evident that the parties that have cut the funding don’t want to tackle undeclared and illegal work, nor to safeguard working people’s labour rights.

We will say it again: declarations aren’t important. What matters is what a Party actually votes in Parliament.

And these parties voted for the employers against the working people.


DISY, DIKO, EDEK, Solidarity and ELAM gave in to the employer’s demands against the protection of workers' rights


Ideological obsession is employers persisting in arbitrariness and covering up of undeclared work