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Ideological obsession is employers persisting in arbitrariness and covering up of undeclared work


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the cuts in the funding of the labour inspection service

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th December 2019, Nicosia

DISY characterizes the existence of controls to fight undeclared and illegal work as AKEL’s “ideological obsession”. We could reverse the characterisation. Ideological obsession is employers persisting in arbitrariness and covering up of undeclared work at the work place.

Is this what DISY and the parties DIKO, EDEK, Solidarity and ELAM want who cut the funding for the Inspection Service?

And since, according to DISY, AKEL is “ideologically obsessed”, what does it have to say about the fierce reaction of all the trade union organisations? Does DISY then consider the trade unions also “ideologically driven”?

Is protecting labour and working people’s rights “ideological obsession”?

It is well-known that DISY stands unreservedly on the side of employers and is indifferent to working people and wage earners. But what about the other political parties that supported DISY’s position in this unacceptable action – what do they have to say to working people?


DISY-DIKO-EDEK-Solidarity and ELAM voted for the employers against the workers


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