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Disappointing Juncker statements on Cyprus Problem and economy

Statement by Neoclis Sylikiotis, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL and AKEL Member of European Parliament

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 9th July 2014, Nicosia

The candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker today attended a meeting of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left to explain what policies he intends to promote as President of the Commission.

Many MEP’s, like myself on behalf of AKEL, sought an answer as to whether he will continue the tough austerity policies which have been implemented so far. I reminded him that he is a candidate backed by the European Peoples Party EPP, the party that shoulders the main responsibility for these tough austerity policies. I therefore called on him to tell us, given that the EPP’s devotion to the neo-liberal austerity policies is continuing so far, what changes he intends to promote with regards the policies of the Memoranda and the Troika.

Unfortunately, Mr. Juncker avoided giving a reply as to whether he will continue or not the austerity policies. He made a general statement that the Troika should be democratized, without however stating how this would be achieved.

In his introduction, Mr. Juncker noted that although he himself in the past had expressed reservations about the IMF’s role, nonetheless the reply he received from the Commission was that the IMF is important because of its expertise/know-how. I therefore reminded him that when he himself was President of the Eurogroup he supported all the Memoranda policies which as a result of the “IMF’s expertise” and its neo-liberal models led entire societies in Europe, particularly in the South, to destitution, unemployment, poverty, as it had previously also led many developing countries in the southern hemisphere to disaster.

Mr. Juncker did not comment, nor did he give an answer to the question about his position today and whether he intends to raise the issue of the IMF’s participation in the formation of the Troika.

With regards the Cyprus problem, as AKEL we called for clear answers. I asked Mr. Juncker what he intends to do so that Turkey fulfills its obligations as a candidate for accession country and demonstrates a constructive stand for the solution of the Cyprus problem. I reminded him that the Commission had repeatedly stated that it would do all it could to facilitate the talks and the achievement of a solution. Consequently I put to him the question what will you do to help towards registering progress in the procedure of the talks so that we can arrive at a solution and the reunification of Cyprus? How will you prevent the promotion of measures that widen the gap between the two communities in Cyprus and tend to legalize the occupation and division, such as for example, the proposal for direct trade with the occupied territories?

Unfortunately, Mr. Juncker didn’t reply on the substance as to what he will do in order to point out to Turkey the obligations it has as a candidate country. Concerning the talks on the Cyprus problem, he stated that he does not have an overall picture, but would study ways for promoting the greater involvement of the EU.



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