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Blaming AKEL for everything might suit them but it’s ineffective as citizens have figured them out

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou reply to the government spokesman DISY President and spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19 May 2019, Nicosia

As you can’t give an answer to the pressing questions posed by citizens about the dangerous situation of the prolonged deadlock on the Cyprus problem and the unprotected in practice Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone, you blame AKEL for everything.

It might be suit you but it’s ineffective, because citizens have figured you out. Seven years in power, and you have taken no responsibility whatsoever. You blame others for everything and above all AKEL.

It’s an honour for us that you…target us. This proves that AKEL stands with consistency as an obstacle to your erroneous policies.

However, no matter how many communication tricks the government ruling forces may employ they can’t hide the fact that the international community, because of the President’s erroneous handlings, has unfortunately relieved Turkey of its responsibilities and considers the Greek Cypriot side as equally responsible together with the Turkish Cypriot side for the protracted stalemate on the Cyprus problem.

The government ruling forces must address the international community if they want to change its position instead of AKEL. Dare they?

Last but not least: the government ruling forces cannot talk about unity whilst considering a large section of society as being “zeros”.


Anastasiades’ policy led to a stalemate as it followed the "new strategy" of DIKO


The government ruling forces talk about unity only when they are unable to give satisfactory answers to explain negative developments