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Another setback for justice system reform

Statement by AKEL MP Aristos Damianou after the meeting of the Parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee

10 November 2021

Today we had the article-by-article debate in the Parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee on the bill concerning the Commercial Court and the Maritime Court. I am sorry to say that in this case too, history is unfortunately repeating itself like a farce.

After years of supposed consultations between the Executive power and the Judiciary, we received a letter from the Supreme Court just yesterday afternoon, stating that it disagrees with this specific bill. This is certainly a negative development. We have asked the Minister – and I am pleased that she has accepted to do so – to consult with the Supreme Court in an attempt to find a solution to this issue.

From there onwards, and as is the case with reform issues, the House of Representatives will discuss the given situation and take its decisions. However, it is still a setback that the Supreme Court itself, which will be called upon to implement this part of the reform by creating a Commercial Court and Maritime Court, is expressing strong disagreement.

We too have proposals on these specific bills, but pending the outcome of the Minister’s dialogue with the Supreme Court, we have reserved that we shall outline our own views during the article-by-article discussion.




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