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AKEL strongly condemns the military attacks against Syria

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14 April 2018, Nicosia

Unfortunately, with the United States at the forefront and the synergy of Britain and France, the war situation in Syria is reaching a dangerous climax. NATO forces, in a cynical and illegal way, are repeating like a farce arguments of the past in order to give a supposed legitimacy to their actions just as they did in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and now in Syria.

The current air strikes constitute yet another violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and a crime against its people, which is paying a heavy price for the sake of geopolitical, imperialist interests.

AKEL condemns all forms of interference in the internal affairs of the Syrian state. It calls for the respect for the UN Charter and for the termination of every action that victimizes the civilian population.

Cyprus, also a victim of similar plans, must not be an aggressive launching pad, nor is the Anastasiades government entitled to involve Cyprus in any way in the crime being committed against the people of Syria. Just as it is not legitimate for the UK Government to use the British bases and the airspace of the Republic of Cyprus for conducting any military operations against neighboring states and peoples.

Military attacks and invasions, the carnage of dead and the millions of refugees must awaken and move every peace-loving citizen. AKEL addresses a call for mass participation in the anti-war mobilization this Monday being organized by the Cyprus Peace Council outside the US Embassy in Nicosia.


The aim should be the resumption of the talks


Did the President say anything to the British Prime Minister or did he just listen?