Speech of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the anti-occupation rally to condemn the anniversary of the proclamation of the pseudo-state in the occupied areas


18th November 2013, next to the Green line of division “Orpheas” area, Nicosia


30 years have passed since that night when Rauf Denktash (Note: former reactionary nationalist and anti-communist leader of the Turkish Cypriot community), implementing Ankara’s written order, made another step in the attempt to destroy Cyprus, that is to say he proceeded to the declaration of the pseudo-state. A few days later he exclaimed to the UN Security Council “Thanks to God now I have my state, I have my country, and I have my people.” This precise phrase summarises the permanent goal that he, but also those in Turkey had expansionist designs; designs and plans which they were promoting step-by-step, waiting for the ideal opportunity to implement them. The treacherous coup d’état, which opened the backdoor to the Turkish army machine, provided this opportunity.


The effort to legalise the results of imperialism’s twin crime against Cyprus in July 1974 began to be promoted long ago. The mission for the “integration” of the occupied areas of Cyprus into Turkey was assigned to Ankara’s chosen one, namely Rauf Denktash. Invoking the stalemate on the Cyprus problem, Denktash sought to silence any progressive voice and force of resistance inside the Turkish Cypriot community. He infiltrated any force that could resist his designs. In full coordination with the military establishment, he launched the birth of the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”. Despite the fact that by the beginning of 1983, the UN General Assembly had adopted a Resolution which demanded the withdrawal of all the occupying troops and proclaimed the full sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, Ankara proceeded to implement its objectives, provocatively ignoring the United Nations. A few days before 15th November 1983 the occupation forces ceased all communications in the occupied territories. On the evening of 14th November 1983, Denktash received the relevant orders and the following day proceeded to the proclamation of the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”.


AKEL, realizing the negative consequences for Cyprus and our people, reacted immediately to Turkey’s secessionist action. It called upon the people of Cyprus to forge patriotic unity in action, to prevent the goals of Turkey and its puppets on the island. It was clear that this action was aimed at the permanent division of Cyprus and the promotion of the line of “double Enosis” (Note: the dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus through the division of Cyprus between Greece and Turkey) that would turn Cyprus into a base of American-NATO imperialism. The declaration of the pseudo-state was condemned by the entire international community. The UN called for its revocation and urged members not to recognize the occupational formation. Although Turkey was the only country to recognize the so-called “TRNC”, it became obvious that things would be further complicated as regards the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem and the struggle for the liberation and reunification of the island.


Needles to say, from 1983 until today, the pseudo-state is one of the biggest obstacles to the solution of our national problem. The Greek Cypriot, but also the progressive forces of the Turkish Cypriot community, have been struggling since then to shake off the burden of the pseudo-state that further burdened the yoke of occupation.


It is a fact that the partitionist act of the proclamation of the pseudo-state did become accepted by the progressive Turkish Cypriots. However, the pressure exerted by Denktash, the Turkish junta generals and the passage of time have all unfortunately made some of them comfortable with the structures of the illegal state. But this is not universal. A significant number of Turkish Cypriots are still struggling to liberate themselves from the Turkish occupation because they are confronted by the 40,000 Turkish soldiers who are controlling and commandeering their lives, the character and identity of the Turkish Cypriot community, as an occupying power. This occupying power is responsible for the colonization that equally threatens both the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot community with extinction; that deprives both communities of basic rights and freedoms ∙ directed against both the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.


AKEL was and remains the leading and consistent force in the common struggle of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. On the occasion of today’s event, we again extend our hand to all the progressive forces of the Turkish Cypriot community. We call on them to fight together to rid our people of the consequences of the occupation and reunify our country and people. It is obvious that this is not the goal of the Turkish leadership.


Last year, Mr. Erdogan had stated that “there is no country that’s called Cyprus.” Then, the General Secretary of the trade union of Turkish Cypriot primary school teachers replied by posing a self-evident question: “If there is no country called Cyprus, then what are you doing here in our country?” This year, Mr. Erdogan reiterated the same statement. The Turkish Cypriot columnist of the “Yeniduzen” newspaper also replied to Mr. Erdogan’s reference, writing characteristically that “If Mr. Erdogan says that there is a country called Cyprus they will ask him what is he doing there…What are his 40,000 soldiers doing there, what is his flag doing waving on every corner, why are his officials behaving as rulers, why is the balance of the population leaning every day in his favour .. “.


Mr. Erdogan himself replied only to the question “what are you doing in Cyprus.” Not so long ago, when a wave of protests by Turkish Cypriots broke out against the Turkish occupation, he had responded to them by stating: “They say that Turkey should leave Cyprus. Who do you think you are guys? I have soldiers, dead and wounded there. I have strategic interests there.” It is obvious that Mr Erdogan knows why he and Turkey are in Cyprus. They have strategic interests. We all know that very well.


It is also evident that Mr. Erdogan has forgotten who we are. We shall remind him who we are. We are one people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in a common homeland, Cyprus, which was caught by nationalism and chauvinism for the hordes of the Turkish army machine to invade Cyprus with the backing of NATO imperialism. We are one people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, paying with our blood our need to live in the country that gave birth to us. We are one people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who have drenched with our sweat the land of Cyprus for our earth to flourish and nourish the fruits and labour of generations of Cypriots. We are one people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who have cried desperately, countless times, over the graves of our dead, cried painfully over mass graves, holding in our hands the photographs of our missing persons. We are one people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who cannot stand any longer the occupation, the foreign troops and the barbed wires of division separating us.


After Mr. Anastasiades’ election to the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus, the resumption of the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem is anticipated. From the very beginning, as AKEL, we had stated our readiness to support all the actions of President Anastasiades that would be taken in the correct framework. This is because we prioritize the Cyprus problem as an issue regarding the very survival of our people on the land of its birth. A correct solution will create many hopes and prospects for the common future of our people.


The proper and correct solution of the Cyprus problem was and still is a life goal for AKEL because we fully comprehend that only a solution of the Cyprus solution will enable all Cypriots to build their progress and prosperity on solid foundations.


This is the reason why AKEL will not be misled by petty-oppositional considerations, experiences and ulterior motives, as other forces and circles have done in the recent past. We will remain consistent on our position, because we know its importance very well.


This does not mean that AKEL will accept any decision and action of the President and his government. On the contrary, we will exert constructive criticism, warning of the dangers ahead from any wrong handling of the Cyprus problem; handlings that do not allow the creation of the conditions for forging unity and collectiveness that President Anastasiades had pledged during the pre-election campaign. Unfortunately, wrong handlings of the Cyprus problem have already been made ​​several times. They were made in order to serve political and public communications expediencies of the Government and Mr. Anastasiades himself.


From the podium of this anti-occupation meeting, we again issue an appeal to the President of the Republic to work in a collective manner and show respect towards the political parties. He should operate on the basis of the long-standing principled positions of the National Council and especially the decision approved in September 2009.  This is the only way to create the necessary preconditions for the promotion of a just, workable and viable solution to the Cyprus problem.


It is clear that the sole responsibility for the prolonged stalemate on the Cyprus problem lies with the leadership of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot community who insist on positions that deviate from the agreed framework; positions that refer to a solution of confederation. At the same time, any moves and actions serving expediencies and petty-considerations by our side also do not help at all. Any actions aimed at satisfying the balance of power within the Government formation or any communication needs, further exacerbate the situation and give excuses to the Turkish side to reinforce its intransigence. We urge the Government to abandon its dangerous maneuvering and to operate with consistency based on our long-standing positions, hence denying the Turkish side of any excuse or pretext.


We also address all those in the international community who want to play a role in efforts to solve the Cyprus problem. They will find us supportive only if the agreed framework is respected; only if they work for a solution that will lead to bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as set out by the United Nations Resolutions.


They will find us supportive only if they work for a solution leading to a unified state with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship; a solution that will reunite the institutions, the economy and area and that will safeguard the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all our people. In the case that forces within the international community will seek a solution based on the unacceptable public statements made by Turkish officials they will find us opposing them.


On the occasion of today’s event I’d also like to refer to the attempt underway at issuing a joint statement for the resumption of the talks. The approach followed Mr. Anastasiades was wrong. He gave the opportunity to the Turkish side to table unacceptable demands in the dialogue. The way the discussions have evolved and given the rejection of the unacceptable Turkish demands, our position is that we should insist on the inclusion of a clear reference to a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship.


We can and must make a start to create the preconditions for Cyprus and our people to have a better future…Our path is the path of the common struggle of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots for justice and their just cause; for a free Homeland from one end to the other, upon which we shall build on our common future!




"Economic governance in the Eurozone" - Intervention of Charis Polycarpou, member of the Economic and Social Research Department of the C.C. of AKEL