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AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th November 2013, Nicosia


The AKEL delegation, headed by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, yesterday concluded its contacts in the United States of America.


The AKEL delegation met with the co-Chairpersons of the Congressional Hellenic Israel Alliance Caucus Gus Bilirakis and Ted Deutch and the co-chair of the Hellenic Caucus in Congress Carolyn Maloney, as well as with John Sarbanes, President of the American Hellenic Institute, Nick Larigakis and the Executive Director of the American Hellenic Council Endy Zemenides. With the latter two officials, views were exchanged on how to raise awareness on the Cyprus problem within American society and the need to action.


Furthermore, the delegation met with Michael Sessums, Director for EU affairs at the National Security Staff, Mrs. Victoria Nuland and the Deputy State Secretary Mr. Eric Rubin of the US State Department.


At all the meetings, the AKEL delegation expressed the readiness of the Greek Cypriot side to negotiate on the basis of the agreed framework. The AKEL delegation also stressed that the solution of the Cyprus problem is not a question of time, but an issue of positions and that if the goal is to find a speedy solution, then Turkey must focus on submitting proposals that should be within the framework. The GS of AKEL A. Kyprianou underlined that the talks must aim for a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality. Moreover, he analysed to his interlocutors the “red” and “bottom” lines of the Greek Cypriot side.


On the part of the AKEL delegation’s interlocutors, interest was also shown on developments relating to the economy, while with regards the Cyprus problem there was an understanding surrounding the positions set out by A. Kyprianou. For their part, the American officials noted that things are changing in Turkey and that there is a genuine interest from the Turkish side, while the US will try to contribute to the efforts for a solution. A. Kyprianou expressed AKEL’s concern on developments regarding the Cyprus economy and pointed out that any attempt towards a solution of the Cyprus problem is welcome, as long as it is directed in the proper and correct direction.