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AKEL on the resumption of the negotiations

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd December 2016, Nicosia

cyprus NATO cprThe resumption of the negotiations, which was achieved after the agreement of Mr. Anastasiades with Mr. Akinci, is a positive development. If the deadlocks continued then there was the danger of further complications with negative consequences for the prospects of solving the Cyprus problem.

The agreed procedure opens up perspectives for the achievement of a solution. However, for these perspectives to be realized potential dangers must be avoided, which means that President Anastasiades has to go the negotiations consistent to the agreed framework and the principles of the solution of the Cyprus problem and demonstrate the necessary pragmatism.

Regardless of the different views and disagreements, all the political forces must keep their tones restrained and back the efforts to achieve a solution. The confrontations over the procedure that the President of the Republic has already agreed will not change the given situation. We should all aim to make our contribution towards making use of the opportunity in order to achieve the desired solution.

The desired solution for AKEL remains the solution that will liberate, terminate the occupation and reunite the country and our people within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation.


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