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AKEL on the 57th anniversary of the April 1967 Greek junta coup


The historical memory of the Greek Junta’s role is linked to the struggle to prevent the crime it vomited against Cyprus from being definitively completed

21 April 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

21 April marks the 57th black anniversary of the coup d’état of the Colonels in Greece that imposed the seven-year dictatorship on the Greek people. At the same time, 21 April marked the beginning of the treasonous conspiracy against Cyprus that led to the slaughter of our people.

Behind the cloak of nationalism, the real treacherous role of the Greek junta regime against Cyprus was hidden, which was the execution of the plan for the partition of our homeland and NATO taking putting full control of our island. It is precisely for this reason that the dictatorship, with its organs and puppets in our country, targeted the Republic of Cyprus, President Makarios and, of course, AKEL from the very beginning.

The Greek junta conspiracy culminated in July 1974 with the organization and execution, together with EOKA B, of the coup d’état against President Makarios, which was followed by the invasion of the Turkish Attila army and the handing over of half of our country to Turkey.

Defending the historical truth about the role of the Greek junta and EOKA B fascism in the tragedy our people suffered and continues to suffer is a democratic and patriotic duty. Especially at a time when in Cyprus and in Europe the extreme right threatens to grow further, our people are called upon to remember their History, which confirms that misleading “patriotic” sloganeering and rhetoric is the mask hiding treason and the submission to foreign powers.

At the same time, the historical memory of the role of the Greek Junta against the peoples of Greece and Cyprus is linked to the struggle to prevent the betrayal of 1974 from being completed once and for all, namely with the struggle for freedom and reunification of our homeland, with a solution to the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis and framework.

AKEL pays tribute to the Greek fighters of the anti-dictatorship struggle, who took on the Greek junta regime in prisons and exile, in interrogations and torture chambers, against the censorship and junta informers.

We do not forget the memory of our own compatriot Giorgos Tsikouris and his Italian comrade Maria – Elena Angeloni who sacrificed their lives in September 1970 in the struggle against the Greek junta.

We pay tribute and salute the people of Greece and their struggles for democracy, freedom and social justice.




Speech by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou, at the unveiling of the monument dedicated to the Heroes Christakis Panayiotou and Christos Georgiou in Dromolaxia


Statement by Christos Christofides, Head of AKEL’s Education Policy and MP on the commemoration and honouring of the 50th anniversary of the treacherous coup and the barbaric Turkish invasion