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AKEL MEP’s question to the European Commission on the closure of check points in Cyprus

Priority question for written answer to the Commission
Rule 138
Niyazi Kizilyürek, Giorgos Georgiou
Subject: Closure of four crossing points on the Green Line
mep niyazi On Friday, February 28, the Republic of Cyprus unilaterally decided and implemented the temporarily closure of four crossing points on island, as a measure against the spreading of coronavirus, which makes the crossings very difficult and upsets the citizens, both Greek-cypriots and Turkish-cypriots. Take note that the bicommunal technical health committee had met on the 3rd of February in the presence of the two leaders Mr Anastasiades and Mr Akinci and such a measure was not decided. On
the contrary, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus referred to the good cooperation with the Turkish Cypriot side within the relevant technical committee.
Council Regulation 866/2004 (“Green Line Regulation”) sets out the terms under which persons and goods can cross the line from the non-government-controlled areas into the government-controlled areas and the crossing points are laid down in Annex I of the Regulation.
The European Commission is asked:
1) Has it been notified about this decision, as Article 10 of the Regulation states?
2) Did it examine the compatibility of the decision to the letter and the spirit of Regulation 866/2004, and what is its response?


Speech by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou at the meeting with foreign Ambassadors


There was an admission that the decision to close checkpoints was political