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AKEL in solidarity with Murat Kanatli during his release from the prison


1901546_10152072101535889_120400964_nAKEL was present today Thursday, at 9 a.m. outside the central prisons of the occupied areas in order to express in practice its solidarity with Murat Kanatli, Organisational Secretary of New Cyprus Party (YKP), who had been arrested ten days ago for his refusal, due to political reasons, to serve its military service as a reservist at the occupying army. At the meeting of several people that had taken place at the time of his release, AKEL was represented by Christos Christophides, member of the Political Bureau and Head of Rapprochement Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL and also EDON was represented by Elias Demetriou, Head of the Rapprochement Bureau of the Organization.

A press conference was held outside the prisons by Murat Kanatli as well a demonstration, of mostly young Turkishcypriots, against the arrest and imprisonment of Murat Kanatli.

Murat Kanatli at his statements thanked AKEL and everyone that stood beside him during his hardship that got through and explained the significance of his political struggle.


AKEL supports the resumption of the dialogue between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots - Article from AKEL Bulletin March 2014


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