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AKEL fights together with the youth for a different Cyprus and a better world


AKEL on International Youth Day

11 August 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

On the occasion of 12 August, International Youth Day, AKEL extends a warm and militant greeting to Cypriot youth. AKEL fights and stands, side by side and together, with the young generation of Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins, but also with all those who live and work in our country.

Despite the fact that the young generation of Cyprus lives and operates within a system that ‘kills’ social solidarity, glorifies money and easy enrichment and tries to make young people’s collective consciousness conservative, youth retain the characteristics of questioning, spontaneity and the tendency towards what is new and radical. We are with young people in the small and big struggles being waged for the rights of young workers, for quality jobs for the young generation, for dignified and regulated working conditions, for the right to housing. We support the struggles of students, school pupils and young people who are active in the ecology, human rights and social solidarity movements.

AKEL, with the proposals and positions it submits in Parliament, through mobilisations, with social and political struggles, meets young people’s concerns, expectations and demands. Together with EDON, the biggest youth organisation in the country, we are waging the battle to defend young people from what is crushing their dreams and visions. At the same time, with the changes that AKEL will discuss and promote in the coming period in its own operation and activity, it aims to open up even more to Cypriot youth, to the young people of our country who envision a different Cyprus and a different world.



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