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AKEL denounces denial of permission to aircraft carrying medical equipment to fly through the Turkish airspace

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th May 2020, Nicosia

Yesterday’s action by Turkey not to give permission to an aircraft carrying medical equipment and supplies to Cyprus from the People’s Republic of China to fly through the Turkish airspace is a completely reprehensible act. The allegations made by the Turkish government about its actions are pretexts that cannot hide its policy towards the Republic of Cyprus, a policy that clashes not only with international law, but also with humanitarian principles. The government must make the necessary representations.

AKEL expresses its satisfaction for the fact that it was possible for the cargo to arrive in Cyprus from the P.R. of China with 36 tons of medical equipment and supplies with protective masks, surgical uniforms, etc. We congratulate all those who worked to make this possible.



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