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AKEL defends Greek people’s sovereign right to decide its fate


Statement of Stavros Evagorou, Deputy Parliamentary Spokesperson of AKEL-Left-New Forces

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th June 2015, Nicosia


greeks econIt has now become clear that the aim of the EU’s ruling circles is not the finding a dignified solution to the Greek issue, but the humiliation and degradation of Greece and the Greek people. The institutions are not interested in the slightest about the severe humanitarian crisis, nor about the impoverishment of the Greek people.

What interests them is to bring the Greek people to its knees and to force it to yield in front of the blackmail exerted by the EU neocolonialists.

The Cypriot people has also suffered such extreme and inhuman behaviors to its bone, whose socio-economic structure they destroyed in one night, with the cooperation of the Government of the governing DISY Rally party too.

As AKEL, we cannot ignore the inconsistent position of the government and ruling forces in Cyprus with the President of the Republic declaring his support towards Greece and the President of DISY party exerting criticism. At the same time in Greece there are political forces operating unfortunately as a Trojan horse by openly supporting the actions of the EU’s ruling circles. We recall that we experienced something similar in Cyprus as well during the government of Demetris Christofias from the then opposition.

As AKEL, we stand on the side of the Greek people. Faced with the unacceptable and blackmailing attitude of Greece’s lenders, AKEL expresses its solidarity with the struggle Greece is waging for the dignity of the Greek people, but also of all the peoples of Europe.

As AKEL, we support the sovereign right of the Greek people, through a referendum to decide its fate; to decide between humiliation and dignity.




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