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AKEL and KKE meet in Athens


Statements by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou after his meeting with the General Secretary of the C.C. of the Communist Party of Greece Demetris Koutsoumbas

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 23rd October 2019, Nicosia

I would like to express our gratitude, first of all, to comrade Demetris Koutsoumbas and Giorgos Marino for the very wide-ranging discussion we had. As comrade Demetris has stated, we discussed and exchanged views on the situation and developments in Cyprus, as well as in Greece.

PAK_8712I would first and foremost like to express our thanks for the consistent stand of the Communist Party of Greece regarding the struggle we are waging for the liberation and reunification of our homeland, for its liberation from the Turkish occupation and its reunification on a basis that will lead to a united state, a continuation of the Republic of Cyprus, with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship.

We exchanged views on the current situation in Cyprus, but also in the wider region and on the Turkish invasion of Syria. I think both of us share common concerns about how developments are going in the wider region, about the conditions that are creating huge problems for the peoples. We need to resist all of these machinations that are ongoing against our countries.

Concerning Cyprus, I would like to say that we are very concerned. Turkey’s provocative actions and aggression have been enhanced further and must be tackled with a comprehensive strategy on our part.

PAK_8725We have therefore discussed all these matters, as well as how the issues are developing in the two countries, both in Cyprus and Greece. It is our common perception that we need to struggle so that the working people in our countries can improve their living standards, have better working and living conditions, and above all to struggle to promote peace and friendship between the peoples of our wider region.

PAK_8775We have agreed that we will keep in close contact and exchange views as we consider this kind of mutual briefing to be very useful. It helps us form more comprehensive views on numerous issues and by doing so we can help the people of our country more effectively.


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