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AKEL amendment approved for financial support to the Committee of Missing Persons


Statement of AKEL MEP’S Neoclis Sylikiotis and Takis Hajigeorgiou

AKEL C.C Press Office, 3rd September 2014, Nicosia


The Foreign Affairs Committee AFET of the European Parliament approved an amendment we tabled as AKEL MEP’s asking for an increase of kipros-agnooumenoi300,000 Euros in the funds from the EU budget for 2015 for the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP). The recognition of the need to support the role of the CMP and hence the increase in the allocation of funds we achieved is considered very important in order to enable the CMP to continue its work uninterrupted within the framework of the strategic plan it set until 2017.

The CMP is doing an excellent job of urgent humanitarian need through a bicommunal programme which however needs more financial assistance. This is why as AKEL we shall continue the struggle to ensure that the EU will continue to support the CMP.

We anticipate that we will wage a battle during the voting procedure as well in the Budget Committee of the European Parliament since certain forces may be invoke the economic crisis as an excuse not to approve this fund. AKEL calls on the other political groups to support our amendment in order to strengthen the work of the CMP.


Neoclis Sylikiotis, Vice-President of GUE/NGL

Takis Hajigeorgiou, ΕΜΡ


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