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AKEL on World Refugee Day


20 June 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

June 20th has been designated by the United Nations as World Refugee Day.

On the occasion of today’s day, AKEL extends a warm greeting to the refugees of Cyprus who for fifty years have been fighting for the liberation and reunification for our homeland and to return to the land that gave birth to them, but also to all the refugees of the world.

Cyprus is a country from where refugees originate from, but also a country receiving refugees. Like every European state, it has the obligation to provide humane conditions for refugees, applying International Law and European conventions.

At the same time, the Republic of Cyprus must assert that EU member states should demonstrate their declared solidarity in practice, both towards the refugee flows and towards the countries of the Mediterranean South. Particularly in the light of the current developments in our region, it is imperative that the Republic of Cyprus raises the demand that the refugees from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine be shared across all member states, as was done in the case of the Ukrainian refugees.

Finally, the Republic of Cyprus must take all the necessary measures to ensure a modern, effective asylum, reception, accommodation and integration system based on international law, international conventions and its European obligations that bind it, human rights and solidarity with those in danger.




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