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International law and our country’s interests dictate no involvement whatsoever in the Israeli war in Gaza


20 June 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Developments in the region, centred on the war in Gaza, and in particular the possibility of a wider conflagration in the Middle East, are causing concern and pose enormous dangers for all the states and peoples in our neighbourhood.

AKEL has from the very first moment supported and continues to support the position that Cyprus must not have even the slightest involvement in the Israeli war in Gaza, which constitutes a genocide being committed against the Palestinians, but must explicitly denounce it and align itself with the positions expressed by the United Nations. This is what international law and elementary morality, but also the interests and security of our country and people dictate.

In addition, the Republic of Cyprus must urgently express to the British Government our country’s total opposition to the use of the British bases for any involvement in military operations in the region.

Furthermore, we recall that the status of the British bases, even as it is defined by the Treaty of Establishment, requires the approval of the Republic of Cyprus for the use of the bases by any third states outside the Commonwealth.

Cyprus must become a bridge of peace and not an aggressive launching for any foreign power.

This is the right thing to do, but it is also in the interests of our people and homeland.




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