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Full transparency is demanded regarding donations made to the Social Support Agency


20 June 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The Social Support Agency was set up at a particular difficult time for the country in order to meet the needs of vulnerable students. Its purpose was neither to be a substitute for the Cyprus State Scholarships Foundation, nor to become a mechanism for political favouritism by the Presidential Palace, whether under the previous or the current government.

AKEL supports full transparency in the donations made to the Agency and the publication of the names of donors. This is what basic principles of transparency demand, given that the fund is managed by the current – and in previous years, the former – First Lady.

We recall that the Audit Office cited the example of the Saudi tycoon who – under the Anastasiades government – after making a contribution of half a million, was subsequently granted Cypriot citizenship along with dozens of his family members, most of them illegally.

In addition, it must be made clear that support for vulnerable students is the responsibility of the state and cannot depend on the charity of private agencies.



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