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Lift the injustice against low-paid workers in the public sector


21 May 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

An AKEL delegation, consisting of Parliamentary Representative Giorgos Loukaides and AKEL Nicosia District Secretary and MP Christos Christofias visited the Nicosia District Land Registry Office today.

The issue of understaffing in connection with the mass departures of employees from the Office, as well as the need to speed up the digital transition procedure of the Land Registry Office in a way that simplifies the work of employees and the services provided to the public, was at the centre of the discussion with the District Secretary of the Office.

During the discussion with staff, AKEL reiterated its commitment to carry on the struggle to lift the flagrant injustice that the lowest paid employees in the public service and the wider public sector continue to suffer, who have seen their wages remain stagnant for many, many years.

It was also concluded that a number of newly hired employees to the Land Registry, after receiving the necessary training on their duties, are leaving the Registry as a result of low pay in relation to the increased workload.

This in turn leads to the serious understaffing of the Office and to a further shifting of the workload on the existing staff, who are nevertheless making diligent efforts to perform their duties satisfactorily.

AKEL will continue its efforts to defend the interests of low-paid workers and to ensure dignified working conditions.



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