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AKEL on the cancellation of the 33rd Amateur Theatre Festival

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 6th November 2020, Nicosia

AKEL expresses its regret with regards the sloppiness with which the government continues to handle health measures issues for events organised by cultural groups.

The most recent example concerns the decision taken to cancel the 33rd Amateur Theatre Festival, literally at the very last minute, just two days before the start of the custom and while the participants were preparing themselves for months with rehearsals for the plays they would perform and the provisions they had received for their compliance with the health protocols.

This decision shows recklessness, carelessness, irresponsibility and the implementation of double standards. It is characteristic that the Ministry of Health, to permit the performances to take place, set the ridiculous condition that the actors wear a protective mask and the number of actors per performance should not exceed 10 people.

AKEL calls on the government to seriously re-evaluate the issue and take the correct decisions based on the protection of public health, in a way that respects the work and efforts of the people of amateur theatre and culture in general.



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